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[单片机开发] 玩转UART

MSP430 serial port UART and PC communication. Very practical Oh, you can refer to. Direct operation even single chip can be used. Receive characters with serial hunters (2018-04-22, Objective-C, 96KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] scientific-calculator

This is a small calculator program, and can realize addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operation, the function is strong, has been in the hardware circuit board debugging through. (2016-04-13, Objective-C, 36KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] L_Q_GPS_FM_CLK

STC12C5A60S2+2.4TFT+DS1302+DS18B20+GPS+FM 自动校时收音机电子钟 STC12C5A60S2+2.4TFT+DS1302+DS18B20+GPS+FM 自动校时收音机电子钟 捣鼓了许久,将之前的电子钟做了些改动,顺便试了下GPS跟FM,做了这个版本的 51+2.4寸TFT+GPS+FM电子钟
STC12C5A60S2+ 2.4TFT+ DS1302+ DS18B20+ GPS+ FM automatic correction when electronic clock radio Fiddle for a long time, the electronic clock before made ​ ​ some changes to the way the next test GPS with FM, made ​ ​ this version of the 51+ 2.4 inch TFT+ GPS+ FM digital clock (2014-08-24, Objective-C, 14117KB, 下载15次)


[单片机开发] btcode

Car entertainment system Bluetooth communication code, you need to debug Bluetooth friends can learn from. (2013-05-19, Objective-C, 7KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] KDA_US02_20091030

dspic 33f wav 播放器 支持 16gb sdhc 44.1k 16bit pcm wavfile iisout sound very hifi 声音非常好 推荐有动手能力的试下便也可通过
dspic 33f wav player 16gb sdhc 44.1k 16bit pcm wavfile iisout soundvery hifi (2013-02-01, Objective-C, 118KB, 下载19次)


[单片机开发] 51intelligent-car-file

51intelligent car file include how to making intelligent car,you will get more useful message from it! (2012-07-31, Objective-C, 2780KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] 4

基于汽车音响软件 测 试 技 术 的 设 计
Car audio technology based on the design of software testing (2011-06-02, Objective-C, 303KB, 下载9次)


[单片机开发] AS3991Reader

本文结合超高频RFID读写器的发展趋势,提出了一种基于EPC Gen2标准的 915MHz超高频RFID读写器设计,并完成了系统测试。涉及的主要工作有: 1.分析了EPC Gen2标准的技术特点和各项指标,研究了UHF RFID读写器的 系统原理和基本结构,详细探讨了整个系统通信链路的传播特点。 2.分析了读写器射频电路。MCU采用单片机C8051F340,射频芯片采用奥地利 微电子的高集成度UHF RFID读写芯片AS3991。完成了硬件电路的搭建和测 试。 3.设计了读写器的软件控制程序。软件程序采用C语言编写。参照EPC Gen2 标准的各项指标,完成了对各个功能模块的仿真测试。
1.Deeply analysizes the EPC Gen2 standard technical characteristics,studys the principles and basic structure of UHF RFID reader system,discusses the entire system communication link propagation in detail. III 中山人学硕.1:学位论文 2.Analysizes and designs the hardware circuits of the reader.MCU uses C805 1 t340 and the RF chip uses AS3991.Completes the welding and the testing ofhardware circuits. 3.Designes the software control program.Software program uses C language.Referring to EPC Gen2 standard,completes the simulation testing of different functional modules of the reader. (2011-02-14, Objective-C, 4239KB, 下载135次)


[单片机开发] monichuankouceshi

AT89S52 microcontroller analog serial communication program has been successful microcontroller debugging (2010-12-27, Objective-C, 18KB, 下载14次)


[单片机开发] chuankou

AT89S52 microcontroller serial communication simple procedure, the success in the microcontroller debugging (2010-12-27, Objective-C, 14KB, 下载4次)
