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[企业管理] book

图书信息管理系统设计 图书信息包括:登录号、书名、作者名、分类号、出版单位、出版时间、价格等。试设计一图书信息管理系统,使之能提供以下功能: 系统以菜单方式工作 图书信息录入功能(图书信息用文件保存)--输入 图书信息浏览功能--输出 查询和排序功能:--算法  按书名查询 图书信息的删除与修改(可选项)
Library Information Management System Book information, including: registration number, title, author names, words, publishers, publishing time, and prices. Try to design a library information management systems to provide the following features: the menu system work the way  book information into the function of (book information using file save)- Enter  book information browsing- Output  query and sort functions:-- Algorithm   books by title query and modify the information delete (optional)  (2010-08-11, tcl/tk, 2KB, 下载3次)
