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[Shell编程] GetShellOut

可以截获shell启动的程序的输入.. 当然主要的是用在截获DOS命令的输入了 用法很简单,如: MsgBox ExecuteCommandLineOutput("net user", , 5) 如果有需要的话自个进行修改..自由发挥呵. 有什么玩VB的朋友可以加俺 QQ 30066129 (记得注上 Visual Basic哦) E-mail:kevp@163.com
Can be intercepted by shell procedures to start the input .. of course, primarily is used in DOS command intercepted input of the usage is very simple, such as: MsgBox ExecuteCommandLineOutput ( (2008-08-11, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载5次)
