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[其他智力游戏] Unity2D横版游戏《深海潜水艇》源码

游戏特色: 这个游戏比传统的跑步游戏更刺激,更有趣,更有创造力。 如何开始: 加载游戏后,点击屏幕让游戏开始。 如何玩: 一旦进入游戏,潜水艇自动前行,你只需长按屏幕跳跃和保持高,离开屏幕下拉。收集硬币,避开障碍物。当你碰到障碍物时,游戏结束了。
It is an exciting running game. Game features: The game is much more exciting and fun and creative than the traditional running game. How to start: After loading the game, click the screen to let game begin. How to play: Once into the game, the submarinerun toward, you just need to long press on the screen to jump and keep high, leave the screen to drop down. Collect coins, avoid obstacle. When you touch the obstacle, game is over. (2017-12-04, U3D/Unity3D, 9625KB, 下载2次)
