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按平台查找All U3D/Unity3D(3) 

[其他] Unity3D人工智能编程精粹

The essence of unity3d artificial intelligence programming selects the most critical and practical key technologies of artificial intelligence in the development of unity3d game, explains the profound and powerful artificial intelligence technology, design principles and programming implementation methods from simple to deep in the way of examples, and makes detailed notes on each case in the book, and all examples run and test pass. Master the technology in the book, can make the game characters have good intelligence, greatly enhance the game playability! (2020-10-17, U3D/Unity3D, 40800KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Unity3D人工智能编程精粹

u3d AI C#基础编程,PDF文件 王洪源,陈慕羿,华宇宁,石征锦 著
U3D AI C# basic programming Wang Hongyuan, Chen Muyi, Hua Yuning, the collection of stone (2018-04-27, U3D/Unity3D, 42161KB, 下载4次)


[其他] TowerDefens

Simple UI tower defense game, function more perfect (2017-08-30, U3D/Unity3D, 4066KB, 下载3次)
