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[软件设计/软件工程] 1

This is the electronic design software tools Wei Fu manual, useful for beginners (2011-07-02, DOS, 458KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Efficient_Variants_of_the_ICP_Algorithm

斯坦福的一片文章 综述了迭代最近点算法的各种改进 客观地比较了他们优劣 提出了一个实时的高效组合 做点云配准必读
an artical from Stanforda. summarizes the variant of iterative closest point algorithm and objectively compare the advantages and disadvantages, finily proposed combination with a high-speed real-time performance if you want to do the poind cloud registration , you absolument need it (2011-01-05, DOS, 775KB, 下载79次)
