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按分类查找All Windows编程(16) 
按平台查找All DOS(16) 

[Windows编程] 批处理简明教程

DOS batch processing, more old information, learn DOS can see, play DOS is also very interesting (2019-10-12, DOS, 408KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Enumeration

enumeration source code (2016-11-30, DOS, 5KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] pet100

VB6 this is a lot of people playing the game no pets page pets capacity calculator, applies to version 2.5 and above (2016-02-28, DOS, 5KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] LOOP

In STR to STR+ 99 units stored in the A string test programming test whether the string figures, if the CL is set to 1, otherwise set to 0 CL (2014-10-29, DOS, 100KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] iconcache

The system icon cache, when the desktop icon is not normal, they can use this Gold Edition a try. Thank you (2014-09-28, DOS, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] wupinguolv

VB prepared Wulin rumored that the original code filter items, in order to help players develop their own martial arts (2014-09-18, DOS, 3KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] bird

Play on Windows Forms through Dos pixels birds, have generated Debug version, can be directly play. (2014-09-12, DOS, 3362KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] ierepar

电脑、IE不支持Javascript的解决方案。 如果你的电脑、IE不能运行Javascript代码,而且在设置工具-->Inerter选项-->安全里面启用Javascript后还不能用,你可以试一下下面的方法。 新建一个ierepar.txt文档,将下面的内容复制进去,然后重命名为ierepar.bat。双击此文件运行批处理,结束后就可以恢复了。
as I said like Chinese! (2010-05-07, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] diannaojiqiao

玩转电脑技巧全书 本 目录检索(相关文章在对应的目录下找~~)~~ [color=blue][size=3]1、最全的windows操作系统快捷键-------------------------------------1楼 2、Windows 开始→运行→命令 集锦! ---------------------------------2楼 3、如何释放C盘空间 27招具体优化技巧 ----------------------------3楼 4、windows 系统45个小技巧 -------------------------------------4楼 5、个人电脑详细的安全设置方法 ------------------------------------5楼 6、一招克死所有病毒!上网不用防火墙 --------------------------6楼 7、一个免费找注册码的好方法----------------------------------------7楼 8、电脑使用中你必须知道的70个技巧 --------------------------8楼 9、Windows XP系统优化超简单实用版-------------------------------9楼 10、Windows变慢原因分析及解决方法 --------------------------10楼 11、电脑使用记录清除技巧大放送(一)--------------------------11楼
Fun computer skills book This Directory search (related articles in the corresponding directory to find ~~) [Color = blue] [size = 3] 1, the most complete windows operating system shortcut keys------------------------------------- 1st Floor 2, Windows Start → Run → command Collection!--------------------------------- 2nd Floor 3, how to free disk space of 27 C specific optimization techniques---------------------------- Dr. 3rd floor 4, windows system, 4th Floor, 45 minor------------------------------------- Skills 5, details of the security settings of the PC method------------------------------------ 5 F 6, a move grams of death for all viruses! 6th Floor, Internet without a firewall-------------------------- 7, a free registration code to find a good way---------------------------------------- 7th Floor 8, computer use you need to know skills-------------------------- 8 F 70 9, Windows XP Super simple and practical version of system optimization--------------------------- (2010-05-07, DOS, 86KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] uiso7_cn

buhui (2010-04-09, DOS, 1413KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] thefightveg

This is a fun new puzzle game, very interesting, worth a play Oh. (2009-10-24, DOS, 51563KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] FM-GALpro

Classic GAL programming software (2009-09-06, DOS, 14KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] 3.2

按照要求编程, 统计BUF字数据区第一个零数据后的各数据中正数及负数的个数,并分别送POSI及NEGA存储单元,试编写程序
In accordance with the requirements of programming, statistical data BUF word first zero-area data of the data after a number of Chiang Kai-shek and the number of negative and were sent to POSI and NEGA storage units, test preparation procedures (2009-06-19, DOS, 1KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] BIOS.chm

实际上 BIOS 并没有我们想象中的那么神秘,也不是那么难以驾御,只要我们按规范操作,一切真的就是那么简单。例如最近在《电脑报》上就刊出了不少玩家修改BISO LOGO的经验,通过这些修改,给我们带来的乐趣和方便是显尔易见的。
BIOS did not actually think we are so mysterious, nor is it so difficult to control, as long as we operate according to norms, all really is that simple. For example, recently in " computer reported" a lot of the players on the published modifications BISO LOGO experience, through these changes, brought us the fun and convenience is a significant Seoul to see it. (2009-06-10, DOS, 164KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] HuibianProcess

已知数组A包含15个互不相等的整数,数组B包含20个互不相等的整数。试编制一程序把既在A中又在B中出现的整数存放于数组C中。 进一步要求数组A和数组B中的数据用键盘输入,且数据个数不定(最大个数受限制)。
Known to the array A contains 15 mutually exclusive, such as integer, array B contains 20 separate integer and so on. Try to develop a procedure in both A and B appear in the integer stored in an array in C. Further requested that the array A and array B data in the keyboard input, and the number of variable data (maximum number of restricted). (2009-04-14, DOS, 1KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] DNF

DNF的召唤师挂机 脚本说明: ======DNF简单召唤====== 比较适合懒的召唤师玩家 简单介绍下: 按F1-F8可以召唤出怪 按F9可以使用冰补血(囧)按F10则停止(按着2~3秒吧) F11开始F12停止 【作者介绍】 就是你 脚本附件: 运行环境:分辨率:1440x900 色深:32位 操作系统:Windows XP
DNF script hang up the call of the division Description: ====== DNF relatively easy fit ====== lazy call the call of the division of players easy introduction: According to F1-F8 to call the blame can be used by ice Buxue F9 (囧) were stopped by the F10 (according to you 2 ~ 3 second) F11 stop start F12】 【author is your introduction attachment script: Run Environment: Resolution: 1440x900 Color Depth: 32-bit operating system: Windows XP (2009-03-29, DOS, 1KB, 下载20次)
