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[搜索引擎] zz

对于八数码问题,设初始状态和目标状态如图3.2所示。设d (x)表示节点x在搜索树中的深度,评估函数为f (x)=d (x)+w(x),其中w(x)为启发式函数。试按下列要求给出八数码问题的搜索图,并说明满是一种A*算法,找出对应的最优搜索路径
For eight digital problem, set the initial state and the target state shown in Figure 3.2. Let d (x) indicates that the node x in the depth of the search tree, the evaluation function f (x) = d (x)+ w (x), where w (x) is a heuristic function. Test requirements given in the following figure eight digital search, and a full description of A* algorithm to find the corresponding optimal search path (2014-06-05, DOS, 182KB, 下载4次)
