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[棋牌游戏] five2

Is under linux can simply towards war, man-machine war. Used the database is mysql, create a table, players can achieve query, change personal information functions. Graphical interface written using gtk (2013-06-04, Unix_Linux, 191KB, 下载1次)


[棋牌游戏] poker

== 决胜21点项目需求提要 == 软件功能: 1.)决胜21点玩法: I.根据玩家所持纸牌的点数和花色决定当局比赛的输赢; II.点数定义如下: 牌A:可以视情形为11或1; 牌J,Q,K,a(10),G(大怪),g(小怪):均为10; 牌2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9:为各自牌面显示的点数; III.花色定义如下: 同点数牌的花色大小排序为黑桃>红桃>方块>草花(包括怪) IV.牌数: 纸牌的总数为54张,包含4种花色的牌共13张,以及大小怪各一张; V.牌局: 比赛采取五局三胜制(默认缺省)或三局两胜制,每局比赛各个玩家先手持2张牌, 各玩家可以根据各自需要进行要牌,其中第三张牌为加点数,第四张牌为减点数, 各玩家每位最多4张牌,当点数相同时,以花色取胜,先以黑桃多为胜, 若黑桃牌数相同,则看红桃数,以此类推;若均数目相同则该局为平局; 当玩家先赢取三局(或两局)则比赛结束,最后报告各自玩家的输赢。 VI.积分: 玩家每取得一场胜赛积分10分,平局5分,负局0分,以此统计。
21:00 project requirements Summary == == decisive Software features:         1) run-off 21:00 play:                 I. according to the number of points and the color of the players holding playing cards to decide the the authorities race of winning or losing                 II. Points are defined as follows:                     The licenses A: depending on the circumstances of 11 or 1                     Cards J, Q, K, a (10), G (big weird), g (mobs): both 10                     Brand 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9: display the number of points for each sign face                 III. Colors are defined as follows:                     With the Points brand color size sort spades> hearts> box> flowers (includin (2013-03-08, Unix_Linux, 31KB, 下载3次)


[棋牌游戏] wuzi

Based on Linux and the X_Window renju game, players can accomplish sitting, the system automatically sitting, judge, win or lose, etc (2011-12-02, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载7次)


[棋牌游戏] five

Gobang simulation computer game, and a very fun game. 2 individuals can play and machinery can also play (2009-01-10, Unix_Linux, 171KB, 下载8次)
