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[其他游戏] mypong

类似于打砖块游戏,使用C语言和SDL库编写。有两个paddle,在屏幕上方和下方,上方挡板AI控制,下方玩家控制,挡板只能在水平方向移动,中间还有个撞击球。通过挡板击球,让越过对方挡板则能加分。 这个小游戏用SDL在开始游戏界面做了个鼠标控件。游戏目前就设计了两级难度,第一级有一个移动paddle在中间干扰球,第二级有两个固定paddle,和一个移动paddle来干扰球的运行,并且在第二级电脑paddle的速度会增加,使得电脑更为灵敏,难以战胜。
Arkanoid-like game, written in the C language and the SDL library. There are two paddle in the top and bottom of the screen, the the top baffle AI control, the player controls underneath the baffle to move only in the horizontal direction, in the middle there is to hit the ball. The baffle batting cross the other side baffle points. This little game with SDL at the beginning of the game interface, the mouse controls. The game is currently on the design of two levels of difficulty, the first level of a mobile paddle interfere with the ball in the middle, the second stage has two fixed Paddle, and a movable paddle to interfere with the running of the ball, and the second level of the computer paddle speed increase, making the computer more sensitive, it is difficult to overcome. (2013-04-17, Unix_Linux, 2274KB, 下载12次)


[其他游戏] 20060801bomb

bomb FOSS game, you can try, learn programming, but also entertainment (2006-08-01, Unix_Linux, 107KB, 下载8次)


[其他游戏] gbaconv-1.00-src.tar

该程序提供unix系统下的GBA模拟器,能够通过装载GBA 游戏rom玩各种游戏
the procedures for unix systems GBA simulators, By loading to the GBA game rom to play games (2006-04-18, Unix_Linux, 10KB, 下载24次)
