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[matlab编程] clustering

Matlab Toolbox cluster analysis, is useful. We can try (2006-03-29, matlab, 2046KB, 下载2375次)


[其他游戏] 彩球射手

the game suited to peacetime use entertainment, entertainment and only three will be larger than the one on even the score until the most far bottom stratum. (2006-01-08, C/C++, 919KB, 下载2323次)


[] 万家福超市管理系统

10,000 Fuk supermarket management system is to achieve a background in database management and operation of future cash register database management system, with added classification of commodities, commodity-by-category management, reasonable access to data, the advantages of easy to operate, after the checkout is well-designed, with easy to operate and interface friendly etc. advantages, the system also has the personnel management function, in both the super managers, general managers, cashiers three powers, they were with different privileges, (2005-06-21, Delphi, 9004KB, 下载2247次)


[] 酒店管理系统需求分析

With the development of tourism, hotel, restaurant, and entertainment industries increasingly developed, the introduction of comprehensive computer services and computer management is increasingly popular. Meanwhile, hotels and restaurants to introduce computer entertainment services and management has made good economic and social benefits. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction has recently made clear : all-star hotels in the project's approval, its design must include computer management system, otherwise, not creation. Visibility, hotel management computerized inevitable. Hotel management system of advanced computer technology with modern hotel management services to the perfect combination to achieve accommodation, catering, entertainment brand new concept of service and manageme (2005-06-23, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载2093次)


[游戏] 斗地主_src

This is the card game that point, the algorithm integrity, a stand-alone, playing to connect to the network. (2004-10-05, C++, 1518KB, 下载1964次)


[棋牌游戏] zhou_NetworkGame-JunQi

a senior graduation design, realization of a small network games with the characteristics of the four countries flag games, there is a comprehensive framework, database, server, client, hall, the framework of the game, players information, the game chatting, advertising information, and to prevent the flashing pictures, games music. (2006-05-30, Visual C++, 3342KB, 下载1946次)


[VC书籍] VC++2005

VC++ 2005 入门经典的教材,是有霍顿编著的一本好书,强烈推荐,不仅教会你怎样去学编程的语法,更有VS2005的开发环境让你一试身手,小心你看了就会爱上他,(呵呵笑)
VC++ 2005 Introduction to the classic textbook is edited by Horton (2008-03-23, Visual C++, 8183KB, 下载1687次)


[] com口通讯工具大集合

此包括COM口开发所需要的测试工具,我自己的一个仪表就是这东西试出来的,并且是免费的共享的,应该结束整天用超级终端的年代到了。而且COMTOOLS 还支持两个COM口的使用很方便
this COM port development, including the required test tools, I own an instrument that is something the trial, and is free to share the day should end with the Super Terminal to the era. But COMTOOLS also supports two COM ports to the use of convenient (2005-11-30, Windows_Unix, 4882KB, 下载1632次)


[3D图形编程] scanalyze-1.0.3_source_code

Stanford University in the development of a 3D point cloud generation reconfigurable mesh, NURBS surface generation further increases and the effect of illumination system. Generation can be achieved on the 3D graphics rotation, movement and different angles graphics Mosaic (2007-03-21, Visual C++, 932KB, 下载1616次)


[] yi-yuan

hospital management system, written in C# relatively simple and try to learn how to use a beginner, SQL ASP.net (2006-11-10, C#, 3468KB, 下载1547次)


[J2ME] ColorLinez

Using J2ME to write a five sons connected mobile games. ColorLinez is a function key by the player moving through the small colored balls, to five and five or more same color balls into a horizontal shift,一竖out, and thus the disappearance of small ball game, each player moving a small ball, it will Random emerging three randomly colored balls, small balls disappear as the quantity received scores of players! (2009-02-13, Java, 104KB, 下载1342次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] FPGA_study

the PDF version of FPGA, with author s own experience in the form of notes, to learn about the FPGA is very suitable for beginners to use. (2011-04-01, Others, 49499KB, 下载1312次)


[游戏引擎] moshouchange

魔兽版本切换,一件切换,很好用的试一下 1.20与1.21切换
Warcraft version switch, a switch, a good try with the 1.20 and 1.21 switch (2008-03-30, Visual C++, 2838KB, 下载1052次)


[matlab编程] CVX

Convex optimization toolbox(matlab)by Grant and Boyd in Stanford. (2009-04-17, matlab, 6758KB, 下载1039次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] CET201003

CET六级批量查分工具,(看看和你同一考场的人过了没)无需验证码,很方便,绝对可以。 1100100922069 这是北京大学的六级准考号,有兴趣的可以查一下,会发现一件很神奇的事。 1104100922020 这是清华大学的六级准考号 3100200922001 这是上交的 2301910922001 这是哈工大的。 可以试一试。
Volume 6 pm CET search tool, (and you look at people who passed the same examination room did not) do not need code, it is convenient, they absolutely can. 1100100922069 This is a prospective examination of Peking University, No. 6, who are interested can check out, you will find a very wonderful thing. 1104100922020 This is a prospective examination of Qinghua University, No. 6 3100200922001 This is the hand over of 2301910922001 This is the HIT' s. You can try. (2010-03-07, Visual C++, 279KB, 下载1001次)


[] 一种试题库管理与自动成卷系统的实现

一种试题库管理与自动成卷系统的实现 一种试题库管理与自动成卷系统的实现
a test library management and automatic volume System of a test li brary management and automatic system of Volume (2005-09-21, Visual C++, 1279KB, 下载988次)



基于DSP 2812的永磁同步电动机矢量控制程序,包括电流环,速度环。
Based on DSP 2812 PMSM vector control procedures, including the current loop, velocity loop. (2008-04-16, Others, 409KB, 下载912次)


[教育系统应用] 20051028214954835

VB prepared by the examination system and paper, we try to welcome you! The download (2006-05-03, Visual Basic, 4530KB, 下载904次)


[单片机开发] USBFET-driver

msp430 driver simulation tools, if your computer does not recognize the hardware emulation, try the bar. (2011-06-20, Visual C++, 10819KB, 下载821次)


[游戏引擎] 基于HOHO游戏引擎的游戏大作

smartphones based on the game engine of the game arrived, code quality was high. Middle can study and research. Today's open source, a bit more complex, based on the game engine of the game not much code. This is a very rare opportunity to study, not to miss! (2005-03-12, Visual C++, 28653KB, 下载814次)
