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按分类查找All Java书籍(21) 
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[Java书籍] java-script-basic-project

JavaScript Cricket Game: Overview: The “Book Cricket” game is built using modern JavaScript and a bit of HTML. It’s a simple game played among two players, where the player with more runs wins. (2024-07-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] JavaScript--The-Good-Parts

道格拉斯·克罗克福德(Douglas Crockford)的《JavaScript:the Good Parts.》一书中的练习和示例。,
Exercises and examples from the book, JavaScript: The Good Parts, by Douglas Crockford., (2012-03-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] JVM深入学习

For students who have learned to play Java foundation, this book is also a must read material for Java virtual machine to learn JAVA memory management mechanism and garbage collection mechanism (2021-03-11, Java, 3373KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] 阿里巴巴Java开发开发手册

Efficient learning of Java programming to improve communication efficiency (2019-08-19, Java, 1002KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] Thinking in Java

Java编程思想,Java学习必读经典,不管是初学者还是大牛都值得一读,这里总结书中的重点知识,这些知识不仅经常出现在各大知名公司的笔试面 试过程中,而且在大型项目开发中也是常用的知识,既有简单的概念理解题(比如is-a关系和has-a关系的区别),也有深入的涉及RTTI和JVM底层 反编译知识
Java programming ideas, Java learning must read classic, whether it is a beginner or a bull is worth reading. Here is a summary of the key knowledge in the book. These knowledge not only often appear in the process of written interview for big famous companies, but also commonly used in the development of large projects (2018-08-05, Java, 493KB, 下载6次)


[Java书籍] Java面试宝典2015版-杨光福整理

Java interview Interviewing various questions and answers (2018-04-21, Java, 203KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] 这样学Java不枯燥

This learning Java is not boring, play can also learn to learn! (2017-10-26, Java, 16724KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] lianliankan

Game code (2017-04-01, Java, 15KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] aa

Shares sent to rural customs we love china.and i love beijing.hello!!!! (2014-05-09, Java, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] Sams-Teach-Yourself-Java-6-in-24hours

A java book for beginners, as long as 24 hours learn java, try it (2010-11-20, Java, 3112KB, 下载15次)


[Java书籍] Sams-Teach-Yourself-Java-6-in-21-Days

Java a good learning materials, only 21 days, you will be able to master the java language, try it (2010-11-20, Java, 3787KB, 下载12次)


[Java书籍] Javagamedevelop

Now popular game seems to use C or C++ to develop for. In the java platform is very large and almost no popular games playable. Since java is a new language, many of his features have yet to be everyone' s excavations, but we can not deny the Java programming in the game of the powerful. This article will guide you step by step and learn techniques for writing Java games. Ultimately create their own Java games. (2009-12-28, Java, 23KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] Developing.Games.in.Java

如果您已经有编程经验的Java游戏,这本书是给你的。 本书教你如何快速,全如侧滚屏屏幕和3D射击动作游戏。 主要功能包括在这本书包括Java 2游戏编程技术, 包括最新的二维图形和声音技术,三维图形和场景 管理,路径寻找和人工智能,碰撞检测,游戏 使用BeanShell脚本,和多玩家游戏引擎的创建。
If you already have programming experience in Java games, this book is for you. This book teaches you how to fast, full-screen and 3D, such as side-scrolling shooting action game. Key features include in this book include Java 2 game programming techniques, including the latest two-dimensional graphics and sound technology, three-dimensional graphics and scene management, path finding and artificial intelligence, collision detection, game scripting using BeanShell, and multi-player game engine creation. (2009-10-08, Java, 4284KB, 下载9次)


[Java书籍] karel-the-robot-learns-java

Title karel-the-robot-learns-java, the United States Department of Computer Science at Stanford University' s Materials (2009-03-30, Java, 229KB, 下载41次)


[Java书籍] The_Art_And_Science_Of_Java

书名The Art And Science Of Java,美国斯坦福大学的经典书目,喜欢它的语言风格
Title The Art And Science Of Java, Stanford University, the United States the classic titles, like its language style (2009-03-30, Java, 2046KB, 下载26次)


[Java书籍] J2ME

名称:程序天下:J2ME手机游戏案例精编 随书光盘/电子教程 版本:随书光盘/电子教程 作者:龚剑 出版日期:2008年1月 出版社:电子工业出版社 地区:大陆 语言:普通话 本书的读者对象要求有J2ME语言基础,已经基本掌握用户界面、媒体播放和记录存储的概念和技巧。主要为从事J2ME平台移动增值业务开发的工程技术人员、高校学生和相关技术的爱好者。本书可作为大专院校嵌入式程序开发课程的教材,也可作为J2ME程序开发人员的入门书籍和参考书,比较适合手机游戏中高级开发人员。 图书目录: 第一章 J2ME手机游戏开发基础 第二章 益智猜谜游戏-数独的设计与实现 第三章 射击策略游戏-坦克大战的设计与实现 第四章 棋类游戏-五子棋的设计与实现 第五章 休闲娱乐游戏-连连看的设计与实现 第六章 飞行射击游戏-雷电游戏的设计与实现 第七章 蓝牙游戏-五子棋对战游戏的设计与实现 第八章 角色扮演游戏-剑神的设计与实现 (2008-05-23, Java, 17302KB, 下载452次)


[Java书籍] refactoring-gb-ch1-ch6

重构-改善既有代码的设计(中文版) 原书名: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code 原出版社: 作者: (美)福勒 著;侯捷 熊节 译
Reconstruction- to improve the design of existing code (Chinese Version) original title: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code Publishing: Author: (U.S.) Fowler a Hou Jie Xiong translation section (2008-05-06, Java, 1954KB, 下载42次)


[Java书籍] Heriterx_jiaocheng

Heritrix入门及深入研究 想学习Lucene及Heritrix的强烈建议阅读 这本书不仅仅试用于新手,对于Heritrix的老手们也很有参考价值,吐血推荐
Heritrix entry and in-depth research to learn Lucene and Heritrix (2007-11-24, Java, 1090KB, 下载193次)


[Java书籍] Javaxiangpin

This is a java do with the Chinese like chess. After you download trial under the impression how (2006-06-11, Java, 84KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] ThinkinJava(Chinese)

这是一本试合JAVA初学者的书籍 第1章 对象入门 第2章 一切都是对象 第3章 控制程序流程 第4章 初始化和清除 第5章 隐藏实施过程 第6章 类再生 第7章 多形性 第8章 对象的容纳 第9章 违例差错控制 第10章 Java IO系统 第11章 运行期类型鉴定 第12章 传递和返回对象 第13章 创建窗口和程序片 第14章 多线程 第15章 网络编程 第16章 设计范式 第17章 项目 附录A 使用非Java代码 附录B 对比C++和Java 附录C Java编程规则 附录D 性能
This is a test of a Java beginner books target Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 are all targets with Chapter 3 system procedures have initialization Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 to remove hidden implementation process like Chapter 6 Chapter 7 of renewable pleomorphic Chapter 8 targets in Chapter 9 accommodate offenders error control Chapter 10 Java IO system Chapter 11 Operation Identification of the type-Chapter 12 targeted delivery and return of Chapter 13 proceedings and to create window film Chapter 14 multithreading Chapter 15 Network Programming Chapter 16 Fan Design- Chapter 17 Appendix A project to use non-Java code contrast Appendix B Appendix C and C Java Java programming rules Appendix D is performance (2006-05-06, Java, 674KB, 下载7次)
