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[家庭/个人应用] fordpass_china

福特派的Home Assistant集成组件,通过Home Assistant远程监控或者控制你的福特 林肯汽车
The Home Assistant integration component sent by Ford can remotely monitor or control your Ford Lincoln through Home Assistant (2022-11-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[家庭/个人应用] fqgx517

Okphp BBS v3 1 主要用于建立交流型站点,比如技术支持站点,学术交流站点,娱乐社区等,
Okphp BBS v31 is mainly used to set up communication sites, such as technical support sites, academic exchange sites, entertainment communities, etc. (2018-12-18, PHP-PERL, 454KB, 下载0次)


[家庭/个人应用] xiaoyoulu

Is to make you happy exchange with my colleagues, friends, classmates, and maintain close contact with the network tools. Write log, upload photos, play online games, share information, mood, happy. (2012-11-01, ASP, 1004KB, 下载4次)


[家庭/个人应用] financialDemo

This is a bill management, and usually eat and drink, play the accounting (2012-06-29, Java, 1847KB, 下载3次)


[家庭/个人应用] tongxunlu

Contacts the C++ Code! Try should be okay! (2012-06-25, Visual C++, 336KB, 下载4次)


[家庭/个人应用] 925

车友拼车管理系统 为倡导绿色低碳生活,提高私家车的利用率,试设计一个车友拼车系统。该系统要求建立一个简单的拼车管理系统,有车的车友可以将自己出行线路和时间输入到系统中,无车的车友可以查看已有的拼车信息,也可以将自己的拼车需求输入到系统中。该系统具有排序、查找、插入、显示等功能。通过此课题,熟练掌握文件、数组、指针的各种操作,以及一些算法思想的应用。
Riders carpool to promote green management system for low-carbon life, improve the utilization of private cars, riders try to design a carpool system. The system requires the establishment of a simple fight car management system, a car bikers can be their own travel route and time entered into the system, no vehicle riders can view information on the existing carpool, or you can fight your own car demand for input into the system. The system has the sort, find, insert, display. Through this project, master files, arrays, pointers, various operations, and some thought the application of algorithms. (2010-09-26, C/C++, 2KB, 下载38次)


[家庭/个人应用] ssbx

Half of one cent fortune-telling, with RI. Recreational use, do not take it seriously, welcome to download the test to use. (2009-10-29, Others, 6008KB, 下载8次)


[家庭/个人应用] hangzhou

在杭州如果不知道去哪里玩 或者不熟悉 这个也许有帮助
In Hangzhou, if you do not know where to go or not familiar with this might be helpful (2009-10-29, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载5次)


[家庭/个人应用] savethemark

This software as a track record of the simulation software, mainly for those who download entertainment purposes, can also be used for schools (2009-01-27, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[家庭/个人应用] dqusradio

为适应网络媒体的发展,满足人们娱乐生活的需要,本系统应用JSP、flashMX2004软件结合flash communication server服务,设计适合大众的视频电台。
to adapt to the development of the online media, entertainment meet the daily needs of the application JSP, flashMX2004 software integration services flash communication server, designed for the video public radio. (2005-09-22, Java, 1356KB, 下载25次)
