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[行业发展研究] machine-learning

斯坦福大学有关于机器学习的英文讲义,主讲人为Andrew Ng。
Stanford University about machine learning English handouts, speaker artificially Andrew Ng. (2013-09-04, PDF, 2470KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Computer_Architecture_5th_edition

在计算机系统结构领域,《计算机系统结构——量化研究方法》这本书被公认是“圣经”。其撰写者之一是斯坦福大学的校长。目前这本书已经出版了第五版(2012年出版),中文版的暂时还没出来。第五版对第四版的排版做了修改,很多章节也增加了新的内容,删掉了“Storage System”这一章。本资源是这本书的英文文字版,不是扫描版的。大家有需要可以下载。
Computer Architecture- a Quantitative Approach (5th Edition) (2013-04-12, Visual C++, 7048KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] release.tar

斯坦福大学计算机系Andrew N.G教授于2011年CVPR发表文章Learning hierarchical spatio-temporal features for action recognition with independent subspace analysis,文件是实现的code,很有用哦
Andrew NG, Professor of the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University published in 2011 CVPR article Learning hierarchical spatio-temporal features for action recognition with independent Sbspaces are analysis, file implementation code very useful oh (2012-11-07, matlab, 29730KB, 下载117次)


[行业发展研究] chelunjiance

德国马克拉轮毂-车轮检测技术.pdf 德国马克拉(MAKRA)检测技术股份有限公司位于巴登符腾堡州的 布鲁赫萨尔城,是一家开发生产汽车车轮试验/检测设备及包括铝 车轮在内的各种复杂零部件夹具工装的专业厂家。产品广泛应用于 欧、美、日、韩及世界著名汽车车轮制造厂,并为德国技术监督协 会(TUV)车轮/轮胎检测证中心提供了多台跳动/弯曲疲劳/冲击试 验机,用于用户产品的检测认证。
Germany Make La wheels- wheel detection technology. Pdf Detection Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Baden-Württemberg city of Bruchsal, Germany Make La (MAKRA), is a development and production of automobile wheel test/inspection equipment and includes alloy wheels including a variety of complex parts for the fixture of the professional manufacturers of tooling. The products are widely used in Europe, the United States, Japan, Korea and the world famous automobile wheel manufacturer, and the German Agency for Technical Supervision Association (TUV) wheel/tire test certificate Centre provides more than one beat/bending fatigue/impact test machine for users Product testing and certification. (2012-06-08, PDF, 429KB, 下载7次)


[行业发展研究] danpianjitongxinfaseji

Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology in recent years, the application of SCM is the deepening of the same time promote the traditional control detection technologies are increasingly updated. In real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer application system, the microcontroller is often used as a core component to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, but also according to the specific hardware architecture hardware and software, to be improved. Crossroads shuttle vehicles, pedestrians bustling Dealers lane, walkways, and orderly. Rely on to achieve this orderly order? Rely on automatic command system of traffic lights. Traffic signal control. The system uses the MSC-51 series of microcontrollers the ATSC51 and programmable parallel I/O interface chip 8255A-centric devices to design a traffic light controller, realized according to the actual traffic flow through the 8051 P1 outlet red, the green light to kindle the function traffic light cyc (2012-05-20, WORD, 265KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] mathematicalTranslations-

Mathematics popular classics series, popular science books suitable for young people. Also applies to the highly intelligent entertainment. Including arithmetic game, interpretations on arithmetic, geometry games, geometry interpretations on the many facets of board games, magic squares, map coloring problem, a single line, mental arithmetic, the combination of design, password analysis. (2012-03-17, Windows_Unix, 10996KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] 23.SQL

SQL 简史 SQL 的诞生于 IBM 公司在加利福尼亚 San Jose 的试验室中 在七十年代 SQL 由这里 开发出来 最初它们被称为结构化查询语言 Structured Query Language 并常常简称为 sequel 开始时它们是为 IBM 公司的 DB2 系列数据管理系统 RDBMS — — 关系型数据库 管理系统 而开发的 您在今天仍可以买到在不同平台下运行的该系统 事实上 是 SQL 造就了 RDBMS 它是一种非过程语言 与第三代过程语言如 C 和 COBOL 产生于同一时 代
A Brief History of SQL, SQL was born in San Jose, California IBM' s laboratory in the SQL from here in the seventies they were originally developed in the structured query language called Structured Query Language and is often referred to as the sequel to the start of IBM, they are The DB2 family of data management system RDBMS-- relational database management system developed you can still buy today running on different platforms is the fact that the system created a SQL RDBMS it is a non-procedural language with third-generation process languages ​ ​ such as C and COBOL generated at the same time (2011-11-16, SQL, 1981KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] DSP-C20001-8

随着音频解码技术、存储器技术、mp3 高质量压缩技术等相关技术不断的发展以及人们 对消费电子产品需求的增加,MP3 新产品层出不穷,成为时尚潮流前沿的一个最佳载体。人们 可以用它休闲娱乐 ,也可以用它工作和学习。
With the audio decoding technology, memory technology, mp3 and other related high-quality compression technology continues to develop and people' s increasing demand for consumer electronics, MP3 new products are becoming one of the best cutting-edge fashion carrier. People can use it to entertainment, you can also use it to work and study. (2011-08-21, Unix_Linux, 56241KB, 下载4次)


[行业发展研究] tipsofComputer

Computer Small stunts include all of the computer keyboard shortcuts, keyboard, Fun for everyone (2010-03-08, TEXT, 2KB, 下载3次)
