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[多显示器编程] Multi-user--operating-system

一台主机资源,添加2-9套显示器,键盘,鼠标.就可以将一台PC变为2-9台电脑,每个显示器可独立操作,互不影响,如下: 1,可同时使用主机系统上上相同或不同的软件. 2,可同时共享上网冲浪. 3,可同时共享主机上的电影或歌曲. 4,可同时玩不同的游戏. 5,可共享电脑外设.
A host of resources, add 2-9 sets of monitor, keyboard, mouse. To connect to a PC computer into a 2-9, each display can operate independently, independently of each other, as follows: 1, host system can be used simultaneously on the same or different software. 2, shared the same time surfing the Internet. 3, can simultaneously share the host movie or song. four, which can play a different game. 5, can share computer peripherals. (2011-04-05, WORD, 372KB, 下载37次)


[多显示器编程] 1

Programming Competition for the world, only to try a number of cows on (2010-09-09, C/C++, 6KB, 下载15次)
