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按分类查找All ListView/ListBox(5) 

[ListView/ListBox] PlayerList

Jian Wang 3, no gang noble players list plugin noble good plug-gang income (2014-05-07, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载1次)


[ListView/ListBox] modtranslv

VB子类化透明listview,让Listview的背景图片变得透明,让它看上去更漂亮,使用时注意,请把窗体Picture设为图片就能看到透明效果了。   说明:   NewTxtBoxProc = CallWindowProc(origProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)   将此句调到最后是为了防止出现滚动条奇怪消失的现象,原版本是放在updatewindow前,这个是试出来的。
Transparent VB subclassing listview Listview background image to become transparent, to make it look more beautiful, use with caution, Form Picture to picture you can see the transparent effect. Note: NewTxtBoxProc = the CallWindowProc (origProc the hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) will sentence transferred to the end in order to prevent the emergence of the scroll bar to the strange disappearance of the phenomenon, the original version is on the updatewindow ago, this is to try out. (2012-07-07, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载12次)


[ListView/ListBox] Smart-scroll-bar

Visual C++创建智能滚动条程序,源代码,可调试运行
Smart scroll bar isual C++ create smart scroll bar program, the source code, the test and operation can be (2012-06-27, Visual C++, 10179KB, 下载7次)


[ListView/ListBox] selectRelated

js select (2009-03-16, JavaScript, 7KB, 下载5次)


[ListView/ListBox] CAWO6OEP

CListCtrl derived from the class, so you can conveniently in your Control List support adding DragDrop can support single and multiple test it fast (2004-12-14, Visual C++, 21KB, 下载80次)
