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[技术管理] 电力领域+联合循环性能测试标准

从事电力优化和仿真的专业人士,有助于理解和开发相关程序 (2022-09-30, Spark, 24532KB, 下载0次)


[技术管理] C12333

C# digital image processing algorithms typical examples, it is worth a try, it is worth downloading (2017-05-31, Visual C++, 38401KB, 下载1次)


[技术管理] geographicconditionsdesign

XX Province pilot census geographic conditions and pilot production project design document (2013-09-30, CHM, 1641KB, 下载2次)


[技术管理] MMC

Now this tip are generally to turn over or clean up the registry. Or install IIS and other components. There are several solutions. You can try it. Because different situations will be the same phenomenon. So can not say in the end what suits you (2012-07-10, WORD, 21KB, 下载2次)


[技术管理] Linux-emil

The Linu mailbox server build configuration process, a very detailed tutorial can try a little Linux-based. (2012-06-29, Unix_Linux, 270KB, 下载7次)


[技术管理] ERP

In this article I argue that the organizational involvement of large scale information technology packages, such as those known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), has important implications that go far beyond the acknowledged effects of keeping the organizational operations accountable and integrated across functions and production sites. My claim is that ERP packages are predicated upon an understanding of human agency as a procedural affair and of organizations as an extended series of functional or cross-functional transactions. Accordingly, the massive introduction of ERP packages to organizations is bound to have serious implications that precisely recount the procedural forms by which such packages instrument organizational operations and fashion organizational roles. The conception of human agency and organizational operations in procedural terms may seem reasonable yet it recounts a very specific and, in a sense, limited understanding of humans and organizations. The disti (2012-05-03, WORD, 83KB, 下载3次)


[技术管理] FF7

FF7 be transplanted to the PC, deeply PC players welcome, because the game system is more complex and relatively weird, next so wrote some experiences. (2012-02-12, Visual C++, 961KB, 下载2次)


[技术管理] Import

Years of experience, and shared with them. Fun with the system. (2010-08-25, PowerBuilder, 20KB, 下载74次)


[技术管理] chengxulu

通信录由以下几项数据信息构成: 数据项 类型 姓名 字符串 地址 字符串 邮政编码 字符串 电话号码 字符串 试为通信录数据定义类型和定义通信录变量, 实现功能:存取、显示、删除记录、查询记录等功能。
Communications were recorded by the following data: the data string of the type of name address phone number string string string zip code for the communications test recorded in the definition of the type and definition of data communication variables were recorded, the realization of functions: access, display, delete records For inquiries, records and other functions. (2009-05-08, C/C++, 9KB, 下载3次)


[技术管理] wanzhuandiannaodaquan

雨林木风 之玩转电脑大全,相信看过之后,对电脑的认识会有很大的提高
Rain Forest Wind Guinness Topsy computer, I believe that after reading the reports, computer literacy will be greatly improved (2009-04-17, WORD, 1420KB, 下载3次)


[技术管理] 5DFDF

err (2008-12-18, Others, 265KB, 下载6次)


[技术管理] TreeView

实现类试于资源管理器的东西,可以手动设置管理的文件夹 显示出文件对应的图标
Implementation class test in the Explorer things, you can manually set the management folder shows the corresponding document icon (2008-08-13, Others, 85KB, 下载66次)
