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[数据结构] 算法导论(第二版)(中文版)

《算法导论》原书名--Introduction to Algorithms,是2006年机械工业出版社出版出版的图书,作者是Thomas H.Cormen、Charles E.Leiserson等。 该书是一本十分经典的计算机算法书籍,与高德纳(Donald E.Knuth)的《计算机程序设计艺术》(The Art Of Computer Programming)相媲美。 《算法导论》由Thomas H.Cormen、Charles E.Leiserson、Ronald L.Rivest、Clifford Stein四人合作编著(其中Clifford Stein是第二版开始参与的合著者)。本书的最大特点就是将严谨性和全面性融入在了一起。
"Introduction to Algorithms of the original title, the Introduction to Algorithms, mechanical industry publishing house published in 2006 book, the author was Thomas H.C ormen, Charles E.L eiserson, etc. The book is a very classic algorithms books, and gartner (Donald E.K nuth) Of The Art Of Computer Programming (The Art Of Computer Programming)."Introduction to algorithms by Thomas H.C ormen, Charles E.L eiserson, Ronald their lives ivest, Clifford Stein, four people oversee (including Clifford Stein, is the second edition began to participate in co-author).The biggest characteristic of this book is to rigor and comprehensive blend in together. (2017-09-21, WINDOWS, 53984KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] 汉诺塔

data structure \ HANOR (2004-11-13, WINDOWS, 1KB, 下载7次)
