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[WEB开发] websiteinfo

1.信息反馈:即访客留言 2.友情链接:友情站点文字/图片链接|合作站点文字/图片链接 3.网站信息:如版权声明,关于我们,投稿热线等 4.完善的后台管理 5.友情链接首页调用
1 information feedback: the visitor message 2 Links: friendship site text/image links, text/picture link partner sites 3 website information: such as copyright notice, about us, the submission hotline, etc. 4 perfect background management 5 links to the home page call (2016-03-14, C++ Builder, 97KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] adbbsv102

采用CSDN(专家分)与CNITI(版主分)双结合方式进行评分,贴子列表时采用ID分页,以提高检索速度,提供快速注册,更详细的资料可在注册完毕后进行更改 管理入口:alogin.asp 默认管理员帐户和密码均为fcuandy
Using CSDN (expert points) and CNITI (moderator points) scored double binding mode using ID tab list postings to improve the retri speed, providing rapid registration, more detailed information can be changed after the registration is completed Admin: alogin.asp The default administrator account and password are fcuandy (2016-03-10, C++ Builder, 959KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] sfmovie

修改自金梅,修改了很多后台错误,实现了在线和下载分离,并且修改了播放器现在支持横行播放器smp格式的电影,修改了首页和movie.asp 自己做的,绝对无错版本啊,我已测试了很多片了(带电影图片数据,不带播放地址) 后台用户名密码:admin
Modified Jin Mei, a lot of background error modification, to achieve an online and download separation, and modify the player now supports rampant player smp format movies, modified movie.asp own home and do absolutely no wrong version of the, ah, I have tested a lot of the pieces (with movie image data, without playing address) Background username and password: admin (2016-03-08, C++ Builder, 7415KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] shantou

加上了SP1,增加后台查询已申请金牌会员的资料调查,美化了后台 网站后台管理系统: 登录页面: 您的域名+/manage/login.asp 初始帐号: 汕头金风商城 初始密码:shantou0754
Added SP1, increase the background check has applied for Gold member profile survey, beautify the background Website background management system: Login page: your domain name+/manage/login.asp Initial account: Shantou Jinfeng mall Initial Password: shantou0754 (2016-03-06, C++ Builder, 3413KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] csk3000_html_5.0

5.0版本功能说明 美化了所有页面 加速了生成HTML的速度 在线增加公告 在线增加友情链接 无限分类 新增娱乐文章系统 实行电影收费会员制 优化了收费看和下载电影功能
Version 5.0 Feature Description Beautify all pages Accelerate the speed of generating HTML Online bulletin increase Increase online Links Unlimited Categories New entertainment system article Movie implement membership fees Optimized view and download movies toll function (2016-03-04, C++ Builder, 2457KB, 下载1次)
