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[其他游戏] TowerofHanoi

Tower of Hanoi(河内塔游戏)可以设定要多少盘子
Tower of Hanoi (Hanoi Towers game) can be set to the number of plates (2009-11-15, C++ Builder, 359KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] rpgsource

《圣剑英雄传--英雄救美》是一款微型的中文RPG游戏,由成都金点工作组成员softboy和EVA编写,游戏中出现的图片主要由网友qingyong、Daimy和 cuigod提供。这是一个自由游戏软件,你可以任意复制并传播。(附源程序)
"SHENG- JIAN Heroes-- heroic rescue" is a miniature Chinese RPG, from the point of Chengdu members of the Working Group softboy and EVA preparation, the game appeared Photo by netizens qingyong, Daimy and cuigod provided. This is a free game software, you can copy arbitrary and dissemination. (Source) (2005-08-16, C++ Builder, 683KB, 下载29次)
