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按平台查找All C++ Builder(3) 

[图形图象] 1

Simple digital output, display digital display in pyramid fashion. (2015-05-25, C++ Builder, 1037KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] Jaquard_08_4_3_0001

Integration of multiple functions of the graphics editor, but also involves document processing, as well as optimization of graphics, including some double buffer technology (2009-05-20, C++ Builder, 510KB, 下载10次)


[图形图象] dzyy

北京金印能鉴技术开发有限公司的电脑验印代码,接口部分没传,所以没法编译,请朋友们原谅。如果您需要完整代码,请联系金印能鉴,李建国 msn:ljg-msn@hotmail.com QQ:757412868 email:ljgdzz@163.com 功能特点 1、印模提取:自动提取标准印模并抽取特征值,印模经压缩算法处理后小于8K。 2、印章比对:包括配准算法、比对算法和输出验印结果。比对算法提供了3个特征值矩常量因子,二次开发时可以根据需要调整通过率。 3、自动比对:为待验印印章自动匹配预留的标准印模,并自动完成比对,输出验印结果。 4、版面预处理:降低干扰,优化印模,提高通过率。 5、其它功能:实现了折角、镂空、旋转(顺时针、逆时针方向)、平移(上、下、左、右四个方向)等辅助验印功能。 6、支持图像格式:bmp、JEPG。 7、开发语言:C++。
Beijing will view the Indian Technical Development Ltd. Yanyi computer code, interface not part biography, it is not possible to compile, Please forgive friends. If you need a complete code, please contact the Indian can Jian, Li Jianguo msn : ljg-msn@hotmail.com QQ : 757412868 email : ljgdzz@163.com a functional characteristics, the extraction impression : automatic extraction standard impression and eigenvalue extraction, After compression algorithm impression after less than eight K. 2, chops than right : including registration algorithm, the algorithm than Yanyi and output results. The algorithms provided three eigenvalue moment constant factor, the second being developed under the need to adjust the pass rate. 3, automatic than right : to be automatically matched Yanyi chop reserved i (2007-03-13, C++ Builder, 875KB, 下载119次)
