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[其他] 防伪开票组件接口软件方案

对于自主或委托开发管理信息系统的企业,Windows 版防伪开票组件接口软件,将防伪税控开票功能嵌入企业销售软件内,为真正实现防伪税控防伪税控系统与企业管理信 息系统的无缝连接
For enterprises that independently or delegate to develop and manage information systems, the Windows version of the anti-counterfeiting and invoicing component interface software will embed the anti-counterfeiting tax control Invoicing function into the sales software of enterprises, so as to truly achieve the anti-counterfeiting tax control, anti-counterfeiting tax control system and business management letter. Seamless connection of the interest system (2018-03-15, C++ Builder, 133KB, 下载1次)


[其他] winhex_19.1.0.0

WeChat frame, simple and practical, can be read by Kim su. Random address of Wusu (2017-11-08, C++ Builder, 3194KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 撩金震荡EA(1.5)

Shock hedge, counter shock hedge EA, trend shock hedge EA, hedge shock hedge EA123 (2017-10-31, C++ Builder, 153KB, 下载77次)


[其他] Auto Profit V3.0 Eng_Start_End_Hour

指标的背离:指标的走向与价格走向不一致,这时应多加注意。 指标的交叉:指标的快线与慢线发生相交,根据交叉的情况如“金叉”“死叉”来判断未来价格的走向。 指标的高低:指标处于什么状态,超买还是超卖? 指标的形态:指标是否处于反转形态?还是持续形态? 指标的转折:指标是否发生了转向、调头?这种情况有时是一个趋势的结束和另一个趋势的开始。 指标的钝化:指标已失去了敏感度?主要发生在持续形态中。 指标的适用范围:指标的定义和特性决定了它预测的时间周期和形态,中线预测指标不能用于短线分析,持续形态分析指标不能用于反转形态等等。?
The deviation of indicators: the trend of indicators is inconsistent with the price trend, then should pay more attention to. Index: index of cross express and slow line intersection, according to different conditions such as MACD Sicha to judge the future trend of prices. Index: index in what state, overbought or oversold? Index form: is the index in reverse shape? Continue form? Indicator transition: has the index taken a turn or a U-turn? This situation is sometimes the end of a trend and the beginning of another trend. Passivation of indicators: has the index lost sensitivity? Occurring mainly in the continuous form. The scope of application of the index: the definition and characteristics of the index determine the time, cycle and shape of its forecast. The central prediction index can not be used for short-term analysis, and the continuous morphological analysis indicators can not be used to reverse the shape and so on. . (2017-07-20, C++ Builder, 50KB, 下载3次)


[其他] dspbldc

BLDC bouble loop design (2017-07-12, C++ Builder, 862KB, 下载36次)


[其他] 22

Double-linked list insert delete applications, a good little program, but also OK Bar (2009-09-09, C++ Builder, 44KB, 下载4次)


[其他] CBuilder

C++ Builder程序员学习数据结构,里面涵盖了所有你要学习的数据结构的所有源码(二叉树、链表、单链表、双链表、红黑树、快速排序、冒泡排序、哈弗曼树、堆、集合、字典、散列、字典、跳表、图、最短路径、排序。。。。)等等所有数据结构涉及的源码!!!
C++ Builder programmers to learn data structures, which cover all you want to learn all the source data structure (tree, list, single list, double-linked list, a red, black tree, Quick Sort, Bubble Sort, Kazakhstan furman tree, heap, collection, dictionary, hash, dictionary, jump tables, maps, shortest path, and so on 。。。。) sort of all-source data structure!!! (2009-04-18, C++ Builder, 1632KB, 下载23次)


[其他] shuangcuanko1.01

一个双界面的串口调试工具程序... ... ....!
1 pairs of the serial interface debugging tools procedures ... ... ....! (2008-11-30, C++ Builder, 492KB, 下载4次)


[其他] numericalcalculation

commonly used numerical methods (including least-squares, the Runge- Kutta algorithm, main-yuan Gaussian Elimination so effective, commonly used numerical method) (2006-04-19, C++ Builder, 7KB, 下载5次)
