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[系统设计方案] Hanoi

Realization of Hanoi Tower of Hanoi problem, and an experimental paper, suitable for beginners (2014-06-17, Java, 1606KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] javaBSquanxian

java实现的bs权限管理系统 金典安荻
BS rights management system java implementation Golden Ann Di (2013-04-27, Java, 1410KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] anhuichinamobile

中国移动合作伙伴用户说明书系统设计文档 很好很强大,大家可以下载看看
Partners of China Mobile users manual system design document is a very powerful you can download to see (2011-05-07, Java, 398KB, 下载4次)


[系统设计方案] jinshen

是一个金审工程辅助管理系统 的需求说明书
Golden Audit Project is supporting a management system requirements specification (2010-04-16, Java, 509KB, 下载7次)


[系统设计方案] telecom

A telecommunications portal rectification program, is to use two-machine cluster services (2009-12-08, Java, 6KB, 下载5次)


[系统设计方案] erp

Gold abacus erp enterprise solutions include the company' s solutions are a garment and other industries including finance (2009-08-12, Java, 293KB, 下载15次)


[系统设计方案] 20080130204242439

商品资讯系统分析(第一阶段)报告一、 前言: 电子商务作为网站经营的目标,随着网站发展的成熟,越发显得重要。作为财经频道下的商品资讯的需求就是在这样的背景下提出的。商品资讯的目标是:凝聚商业伙伴,营造商业气氛,使得合作伙伴可以通过信息分类、信息发布;为网友提供信息、推销商品;积累企业资料,建立会员体制,进行统一管理,从而达到商业伙伴的交流、信息共享、自动交易撮合、网上办公等目的。
Commodity Information Systems Analysis (Phase I) report, the preamble: e-commerce website operators as the goal, with the site development of mature, increasingly more important. As a financial channel of commodity demand for information is against this background that raised. Commodity information, the objectives are: unite business partners, to create a business climate, making partners through information classification, information release to provide information for users to sell commodities the accumulation of corporate data, the establishment of membership system, unified management, so as to achieve business partners communication, information sharing, automatic deal-maker, on-line office purposes. (2008-12-11, Java, 276KB, 下载12次)
