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[企业管理] smartparkingPublic

基于Java+Springboot+vue的智能停车场管理系统(源代码+数据库+9000字论文) 本项目前后端不分离 - 登录、控制台、停车场管理、车牌识别、车辆管理 - 角色管理、系统菜单、全局配置、停车记录、财务管理 - 控制台管理、系统日志、账号管理、用户管理、合作单...
Intelligent parking lot management system based on Java+Springboot+vue (source code+database+9000 word paper) The front and rear ends of the project are not separated - login, console, parking lot management, license plate recognition, vehicle management role management, system menu, global configuration, parking record, financial management console management, system log, account management, user management, cooperation order (2024-01-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] smartparkingPublic

基于Java+Springboot+vue的智能停车场管理系统(源代码+数据库+9000字论文) 本项目前后端不分离 - 登录、控制台、停车场管理、车牌识别、车辆管理 - 角色管理、系统菜单、全局配置、停车记录、财务管理 - 控制台管理、系统日志、账号管理、用户管理、合作单...
Intelligent parking lot management system based on Java+Springboot+vue (source code+database+9000 word paper) The front and rear ends of the project are not separated - login, console, parking lot management, license plate recognition, vehicle management role management, system menu, global configuration, parking record, financial management console management, system log, account management, user management, cooperation order (2024-01-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] smartparkingPublic

基于Java+Springboot+vue的智能停车场管理系统(源代码+数据库+9000字论文) 本项目前后端不分离 - 登录、控制台、停车场管理、车牌识别、车辆管理 - 角色管理、系统菜单、全局配置、停车记录、财务管理 - 控制台管理、系统日志、账号管理、用户管理、合作单...
Intelligent parking lot management system based on Java+Springboot+vue (source code+database+9000 word paper) The front and rear ends of the project are not separated - login, console, parking lot management, license plate recognition, vehicle management role management, system menu, global configuration, parking record, financial management console management, system log, account management, user management, cooperation order (2024-01-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Material-Hazard-Database

(Late Upload) Material Hazard Database is a group project made with 4 programmers from the ICS4U1 course in collaboration with 4 graphics designers from the art class. It is a program developed in java within a 4 week span. This program is a virtual shopping cart made for analyzing how hazardous the selected art materials are to the environment.... (2020-07-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] kamazhi

Kamazhi Accounting Software是用户友好的双输入系统。
Kamazhi Accounting Software is the user friendly doble entry system. (2017-11-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] tamCrm

tamCrm,, (2022-02-01, Java, 113KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] wyglxt

1.收费内容全面:可以收水电费、物业费、电梯充卡费、装修保证金、垃圾清理费、租房押金、电梯损耗费、车辆通行证费、杂费等等各种费用 2.收费方式灵活:水电费和物业费可以按单个月收、多个月收、按年收等等,其他按次收费 3.打印内容灵活:水电费可以和物业费一起打印,也可以分别单独打印。打印内容清清楚楚,多收少收业主一目了然 4.预收款管理方便:预收款直接体现在打印单据中,不必单独开单。财务做帐时后台又可以单独统计出来 5.没有删除功能,防止收费人员利用漏洞私自收取或减免费用
1 charges: can comprehensive electricity and water, property fees, charge card fee, elevator decoration margin, garbage fees, rent deposit, lift loss fee, vehicle permit fees, fees and expenses 2 flexible means: utilities and property fees can be collected by a single month, more than a month, the annual income, and so on, other charges 3 flexible printing: utilities and property costs can be printed together, you can also print separately. Print content clearly, more close to the owners at a glance 4 pre management convenient: pre payment directly reflected in the print document, without separate billing. Financial accounts when the background can be counted separately 5 did not delete the function, to prevent the use of fees charged by the unauthorized collection of fees or charges (2017-01-22, Java, 126KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] LGMS001

this is a simple money system. (2016-09-10, Java, 975KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] ct

餐厅管理系统:   功能:预订、开桌、点菜收银、报表中心、迎宾、系统设置、库存进销存、销售排行、成本核算。   娱乐管理系统:   功能: 预订、开台、点单收银、营业统计、酒水管理、场所设置。
Restaurant Management System: Function: Book, open tables, a la carte cash register, the Report Center, welcome, system settings, stock inventory, sales ranking, cost accounting. Entertainment Management System: Function: Reservations, Founding, single point cashier, business statistics, wine management, place settings. (2014-12-19, Java, 1506KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] wmSystem

This system is a warehouse management, freight management, warehouse goods out of database management, customer demographics, access to library statistics and other functions in an integrated warehouse management system. Support multiple types of storage, a library, replenishment, while supporting a variety of ways to search and comprehensive history of management can be applied to a variety of industries monomer warehouse or used in the manufacture of refined management companies, logistics companies, Circulation and other special industry warehouse management. You can easily solve logistics enterprises in warehouse management, freight flow analysis and other issues, the rapid increase of warehouse logistics enterprise management level, a solid customer base, increase economic efficiency, with minimum investment to get good management twin surplus. Help production between companies, subsidiaries, distributors, agents, shopping malls, stores, etc. to establish a sound, efficient, rapid (2013-12-17, Java, 7799KB, 下载24次)


[企业管理] HRSystem_Eclipse

HR personnel management system, including employee information input, modify, delete, social security, wages, provident fund and other payment management module (2013-07-09, Java, 16929KB, 下载16次)


[企业管理] JSP-JAVA

基于JSP(JAVA)的企业资源管理系统 摘 要 企业资源管理系统软件作为一种管理软件正在各企事业单位中得到越来越广泛的应用。正是由于计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,使得利用计算机实现企业的管理势在必行。使用计算机对企业资源进行管理,具有无法比拟的优点。例如:检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极大地提高企业资源管理的效率,也是企业的科学化、正规化管理,与世界接轨的重要条件。 随着Internet/Intranet应用的普及和web技术的发展,为网络化的企业资源管理系统提供了一个理想的平台,而基于web企业资源管理系统的为异地办公及跨企业的合作提供了良好的基础,采用Web技术为本企业资源管理系统的主要特征。 本课题是采用JSP技术开发的一个基于web的企业资源管理系统,主要完成工作是对企业资源管理系统中的人力资源管理部分,其中对货物管理功能也作简单实现。
based on JSP (Java) Enterprise Resource Management System summary of the Enterprise Resource Management System software as a Management Software is the enterprise units were widely used. It is precisely because of the computer in enterprise management application of, makes use of the computer to achieve the management imperative. Use computers to enterprise resource management, with incomparable advantages. For example : the rapid retrieval and search for convenient, high reliability, large memory capacity, high security, a good, long life, low cost. These advantages can greatly enhance the efficiency of resource management for enterprises, but also scientific, standardized management. connected with the world of important conditions. With the Internet/Intranet application of the technol (2007-05-10, Java, 286KB, 下载181次)
