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[单片机开发] SerialPort

(1)基本功能 实现数据采集,双机通信和基本形式的数据显示。 1 上位机通过发送启动命令启动下位机的数据采集,自选通讯方式,自定义命令格式; 2 下位机接收到启动命令后开始周期性地采集 1 路模拟量数据和 1 路开关量数据,并将模拟量...
(1) The basic functions include data collection, dual computer communication, and basic form of data display. 1. The upper computer starts the data collection of the lower computer by sending a startup command, selects the communication method, and customizes the command format; After receiving the startup command, the second lower computer periodically collects 1 channel of analog data and 1 channel of switch data, and then (2020-07-15, Java, 1902KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] VK36W2D SOP8高灵敏度电容式双通道两点液

产品型号:VK36W2D 产品品牌:VINKA/永嘉微电 封装形式:SOP8 产品年份:新年份 概述 VK36W2D具有2个触摸检测通道,可用来检测2个点的水位。该芯片具有较高的集成度,仅需极少的外部组件便可实现触摸按键的检测。 提供了2路输出功能。芯片内部采用特殊的集成电路,具有高电源电压抑制比, 可减少按键检测错误的发生,此特性保证在不利环境条件的应用中芯片仍具有很 高的可靠性。此触摸芯片具有 (2022-05-25, Java, 845KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] AiNiPlayer_a5

Ann Zhuo wonderful music player source code is a wonderful actually a bit not wronged the project, the player only a looping animation picture, open the software will automatically scan the SD card music and take less than a minute audio filtering out and random play a music. When the project is in the entertainment, the animation can be changed into a picture of their own to play a designated song to make a private player. In addition to the player to achieve the screen character scrolling, but because of the resolution of the reason I show here is relatively small, you can try on a low resolution. (2016-07-17, Java, 2348KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] didiShit

本项目是一个类似于“噢粑粑”的app源码,主要作用就是帮助使用者找厕所,没错就是找厕所。创意不错不过现在百度地图或者其他地图附近搜索中大部分都包含这个功能了。另外说明一点:本应用非安卓原生应用,基于 APICloud 平台开发,本地运行及调试代码需要安装 APICloud IDE,API 可参考 相关开发文档,自己修改后的代码,需要到 APICloud 平台注册,并按步骤完成云编译,才能生成安卓、iOS 双平台应用。
This project is a similar to Oh Baba app source, the main role is to help users find the toilet, right is to find the toilet. Creative good but now Baidu maps or other maps near the search in the majority of this feature has been included. Also illustrate a point: the application of non native Android application, based on APICloud platform development, local operation and debugging code need to install the IDE APICloud API can be reference to the development of relevant documents and their modified code, need to register to the APICloud platform, and follow the steps to complete the cloud compiler, to generate an Android, IOS for both platforms. (2016-05-24, Java, 513KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] MT_v0_4

魔塔的简易版,包含了钥匙、开门、切换楼层、人物对话等功能,对初学者有一定的帮助。 作者:LeadroyaL
A simple version of Magic Tower which is a typical game. It contains keys doors change floor and communication. It can help the freshman in game developing. (2015-08-10, Java, 3944KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] st903shuangmo

<?xml version= 1.0 encoding= UTF-8 standalone= true ?> <! eternity persistence framework > <! Nicola Santi- www.winghands.it > -<archive sub= beta1 version= 4.0 > <! ST Plotter R5 archive file > <version>1.0.2</version> -<model> -<groups count= 1 > <group count= 0 name= Signals > </group> </groups> -<markers count= 1 > <marker name= MainMarker time= 0 r= 0 g= 0 b= 255 alpha= 255 /> </markers> </model> -<workspace> <active_group>Signals</active_group> -<time> <time_min>0</time_min> <time_max>0</time_max> <time_pos>0</time_pos> <time_range>578</time_range> </time> -<window top= 174 right= 996 left= 132 bottom= 776 > <header_width>250</header_width> </window> </workspace> </archiv (2015-06-04, Java, 142KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] Hanoi

罗汉塔(hanoi)程序代码 输入层数 自动输出运行顺序
Luo Hanta (hanoi) code input layers automatically output running order (2014-05-07, Java, 4KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] shuanji

Computer communication system, SCM powerful, suitable for a variety of strain forms, at different stages can be measured (2013-12-21, Java, 69KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] Distract-R

Automatic driver dual task analysis, the impact of driver distraction and driving performance analysis (2012-08-26, Java, 6111KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] NRF24L01

Multi-function learning machine, fully functional, lots of entertainment, very practical, very good (2011-07-06, Java, 3162KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] LCD2004

双单片机通信大气探测时钟,很多很多的东西 就是复杂一点想学习的来研究吧
tongxin (2010-12-10, Java, 459KB, 下载21次)


[单片机开发] FHP3350_IcpdfCom_693311

在FHP3350和FHP3450是低成本,高性能, 电压反馈为视频应用而设计的放大器。 这些三和四放大器仅消耗供应三点六毫安 当前每通道可以驱动双(75?)视频功能 负载,同时提供0.1dB的增益平坦度至30MHz。 消费类视频应用也将受益于低 差分增益0.07%和0.03?差分相位误差。那个 FHP3350提供三种,可以成为一个高投入产出 阻抗禁用状态,以便复用或视频 功耗降到最低。 这些放大器的设计工作从5V(± 2.5V的),以 12V的(± 6V的)用品。的产出范围内摆动,或为1.3V 电源电压适应单一5V电源,视频信号。 FHP3450的FHP3350和设计上的互补性 双极工艺制造。他们提供的全功率带宽为210MHz 和1,100 V /μs的压摆率为± 5V电源电压。那个 高性能,低功率和出色的 视频性能使这些放大器以及在适合使用 许多数字消费类视频设备以及许多 通用高速应用
The FHP3350 and FHP3450 are low cost, high performance, voltage feedback amplifiers designed for video applications. These triple and quad amplifiers consume only 3.6mA of supply current per channel and are capable of driving dual (75?) video loads while providing 0.1dB of gain flatness to 30MHz. Consumer video applications will also benefit from their low 0.07 differential gain and 0.03? differential phase errors. The FHP3350 offers three outputs that can be put into a high impedance disable state to allow for video multiplexing or minimize power consumption. These amplifiers are designed to operate from 5V (±2.5V) to 12V (±6V) supplies. The outputs swing to within 1.3V of either supply rail to accommodate video signals on a single 5V supply. The FHP3350 and FHP3450 are designed on a complementary bipolar process. They provide 210MHz of full power bandwidth and 1,100V/μs of slew rate at a supply voltage of ±5V. The combination of high performance, low power, and e (2010-03-19, Java, 726KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] shangweiji

MCS-51 single-chip dual-machine communications to achieve the original program code (2007-11-16, Java, 149KB, 下载73次)


[单片机开发] gettwovalue

Access to floating-point type and double-precision data of two digits (2007-08-15, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)
