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[Java书籍] pre-interview-booking-system-with-Java

Year 1 project live brief collaboration with interegence systems for creating a prototype software of pre interview with booking system using java (2023-10-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] GCO1_Project_2017_JavaFX_CinemaBookingSystem

Collaborate on JavaFX Project "Cinema Booking System", (2018-01-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] bookspring

restapi, (2023-09-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] 2017 Alitech Archive_1

a li zui xin de ji shu books (2018-03-12, Java, 20050KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] Thinking-in-Java-4th-Edition

Java programming thinking, the fourth edition of the Sino-British version, a clear text version, learning java introductory books (2016-10-14, Java, 6350KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] han

Xue java data structure to write a small program, animation demonstrated Hanoi recursive algorithm (2008-11-23, Java, 11KB, 下载14次)


[Java书籍] Thinking_in_Java

此文档是大名鼎鼎的《Thinking in Java》的中英文双译版,具有很高的价值
This document is the famous Thinking in Java in Chinese and English dual-language edition, with a high value (2008-09-17, Java, 2018KB, 下载38次)


[Java书籍] thinkjava20040101

Thinking of the third edition of Java programming (in both Chinese and English dual version) (PDF version) to learn the basis of java programming classic book entry (2008-06-23, Java, 6205KB, 下载18次)


[Java书籍] J2ME

名称:程序天下:J2ME手机游戏案例精编 随书光盘/电子教程 版本:随书光盘/电子教程 作者:龚剑 出版日期:2008年1月 出版社:电子工业出版社 地区:大陆 语言:普通话 本书的读者对象要求有J2ME语言基础,已经基本掌握用户界面、媒体播放和记录存储的概念和技巧。主要为从事J2ME平台移动增值业务开发的工程技术人员、高校学生和相关技术的爱好者。本书可作为大专院校嵌入式程序开发课程的教材,也可作为J2ME程序开发人员的入门书籍和参考书,比较适合手机游戏中高级开发人员。 图书目录: 第一章 J2ME手机游戏开发基础 第二章 益智猜谜游戏-数独的设计与实现 第三章 射击策略游戏-坦克大战的设计与实现 第四章 棋类游戏-五子棋的设计与实现 第五章 休闲娱乐游戏-连连看的设计与实现 第六章 飞行射击游戏-雷电游戏的设计与实现 第七章 蓝牙游戏-五子棋对战游戏的设计与实现 第八章 角色扮演游戏-剑神的设计与实现 (2008-05-23, Java, 17302KB, 下载452次)


[Java书籍] Java_ds_src

Java课程设计 耿祥义编著 清华大学出版社 ISBN:7-302-07915-3 广工图书馆编号:TP3125A/G47 http://www.tupwq.net 1.记忆测试系统 2.计算器 3.Hannoi塔 4.JPEG图像生成器 5.标准化考试系统(单机版) 6.标准化考试系统(C/S网络版) 7.标准化考试系统(B/S版) 8.日历记事本 9.学籍管理系统 10.图书查询系统(B/S网络版) 11.中国象棋打谱系统 12.魔板游戏 13.挖雷游戏 14.网络聊天室(B/S模式) 15.局域网广播系统
Java curriculum design GENG compilation of Qinghua University Press ISBN 7-10-302-07915-3-Canton Public Library Number : TP3125A/G47 http://www.tupwq.net 1. Memory Test System 2. Calculator 3.Hannoi tower 4.JPEG Image Generator 5. standardized test system (stand-alone version) 6. standardized Testing System (C/S network version) 7. standardized Testing System (B/S version) 8. Calendar Notepad 9. Information Management 10. Book Search System ( B/S network version) 11. Chinese chess playing Spectrum System 12. magic 13 board games. mine dug 14 games. network Chat Room (B/S) 15. LAN Broadcasting System (2006-04-01, Java, 79KB, 下载419次)


[Java书籍] javacaaton1

双缓冲技术: 另一种减小帧之间的闪烁的方法是使用双缓冲,它在许多动画applet 中被使用。 主要原理是创建一个后台图象,将一帧画入图象,然后调用drawImage() 将整个图象一次画到屏幕上去。好处是大部分绘制是离屏的。将离屏图象一次 绘至屏幕上比直接在屏幕上绘制要有效得多。 双缓冲可以使动画平滑,但有一个缺点,要分配一张后台图象,如果图象 相当大,这将需要很大一块内存
double buffering technology : a reduced frame between the flashing method is to use double buffering, in many applet animation are used. The main principle is to create a background image of a painting into images, then called drawImage () to the entire image to a screen painted up. Most benefits are drawn from the screen. Leaving screen image to a painting directly on the screen than on the screen mapping can be much more effective. Double Buffer can make the animation smooth, but there is a drawback to allocate a background image, image considerably, which will require a lot of memory (2006-03-21, Java, 1KB, 下载5次)


[Java书籍] javaCodingStandards

the most commonly used standardized java code, Huawei and gold plate is used records (2005-07-03, Java, 243KB, 下载34次)


[Java书籍] 一个JSP开发的论坛源代码

特色说明: 1.沿袭今晚在线论坛独有的双风格分桢形式 2.社区最多可进行3级分类,大部分论坛应该够用了 3.多种发帖类型: 普通帖、积分浏览帖、金钱购买帖、散分(求助)帖、 回复可见帖 4.更贴心得发帖辅助功能,可自动识别URL和图片 5.采用类似今晚在线文章系统的后台管理等级无限级自定义分类,真正适合多用户管理 6.其它基本具备了GVbbs v5.0的全部功能这里不再敖述 用户名gamvan 密码为111111
characteristics : 1. This followed a unique online forum-style form of two sub-Lo. Communities up for three classifications, most of the forum should be enough for three. Posting a variety of types : general security, Integral View proposal, money to buy invitations and scattered (for help), security, Visibility TIE back four. more experience affixed posting ancillary functions that can automatically identify and pictures URL 5. similar articles online tonight systems management background levels since the unlimited class classification definition, is really suitable for multi-user management 6. other basic GVbbs v5.0 with the full functionality of the not here another AO stated Username password 111111 gamvan (2005-04-29, Java, 138KB, 下载242次)
