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按分类查找All 数据库管理工具(3) 
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[数据库管理工具] Tales-of-time-travel

This collaborative initiative is designed to meet the demands of passengers as they move from one location to another. Essential modules like Admin, User, Bus, Route, Reservation, and Feedback are included in this project. The user may reserve his or her seat one day in advance and provide comments on their experience. (2023-04-07, Java, 284KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Masai-Travels-RESTful-API

This is collaborative project made to cater the needs of the passenger who are traveling from one point to another. This project have contains essential modules like Admin, User, Bus, Route, Reservation and Feedback. User can book / reserved his ticket one day before and give feedback about their experience (2023-01-05, Java, 518KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] StockUp

This project was a collaboration effort among myself and two fellow group members. It was designed to support our client s company Elgin Free Range Chickens. This program makes use of a database that is hosted online. This is used to allow the different departments to communicate with one another. The departments consist of a store user and a (2020-10-15, Java, 6178KB, 下载0次)
