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[数据采集/爬虫] supermarket-vue-public

## 基于Vue和SpringBoot的超市账单管理系统 ## 一、系统介绍 管理员: - 系统基础管理:对登入用户、部门、角色、权限进行维护。 - 商品管理:对超市所出售的商品档案进行维护。 - 供应商管理:对超市所合作的供应商档案进行维护。 - 账单管理:对超市所管理的...,
##Supermarket bill management system based on Vue and SpringBoot # # 1. System introduction Administrator: - System basic management: maintain login users, departments, roles and permissions- Commodity management: maintain the commodity files sold by supermarkets- Supplier Management: maintain the supplier files of supermarkets- Bill management: check the, (2023-10-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] GintongGameSpider

GintongGameSpider,, (2017-04-27, Java, 529KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] JsoupTeach

Use the jsoup lightweight web crawler to obtain the data of a certain area of the knife entertainment website. (2018-02-16, Java, 952KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] KnowingChina

产品介绍:知华KnowingChina是一款基于中国文化的信息推送工具,为用户呈现最地道、最真实的中国百态,通过官方推荐+用户共享挖掘有趣有味的中国生活。 产品分为社区、地图、商城三个板块。社区通过“官方合作、爬虫抓取+鼓励原创”构成...
Product introduction: Zhihua KnowingChina is an information push tool based on Chinese culture, which presents the most authentic and authentic Chinese styles for users, and excavates interesting and interesting Chinese life through official recommendation+user sharing. The product is divided into three parts: community, map and mall. The community is formed through "official cooperation, crawler capture+encouragement of originality" (2018-09-26, Java, 8295KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] shop

I develop an online shopping mall. The project realizes a series of functions of online shopping mall, integrates WeChat and payment package payment functions, and supports WeChat scanning code payment process. The deployment architecture is kept+nginx (dual active hot standby) as the Reverse proxy, tomcat as the cluster deployment application, and the middleware is Redis (one active (2022-06-21, Java, 58550KB, 下载0次)
