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[项目管理] 924

Based on SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue, the tutor double selection system (with paper attached) determines the administrator to manage students, tutors, project information, project submission, and project information according to the research. Tutors manage tutor selection information, manage projects, manage project submissions and guide the projects submitted by students. Students select a tutor, view the project, submit the completed project file, and view the tutor s guidance information on the project. With the help of such tools as the excellent tutor double selection system, systematization, process and standardization of information is the ultimate development result. Under the condition of following the actual operation process, the information selected by tutors will be standardized, and the information selected by tutors will be saved electronically. Both the management personnel can retrieve the information selected by tutors and maintain the information selected by tutors, which c (2024-06-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] UASAMS-Backend

SFWE 401安全项目亚利桑那大学奖学金申请管理系统后端子系统
University of Arizona Scholarship Application Management System backend subsystem for SFWE 401 Security project (2024-04-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] AndroidAppDevelopment

参加Tsofen组织运营的实践培训课程-与Skyware Company和Kendoo,Technologies&me合作…
Participated in practical training course operated by Tsofen organization- cooperation with Skyware Company and Kendoo, Technologies & me… (2024-01-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] poor-assist-main

这是一个基于SpringBoot2.X,VUE2.6,Antd1.7.2,MyBatisPlus,Java1.8 的一个管理系统,具备权限管理,日志管理,扶贫救助金管理,扶贫项目管理,建档立卡等多个功能的系统。
This is a management system based on SpringBoot2. X, VUE2.6, Antd1.7.2, MyBatisPlus, and Java 1.8. It has multiple functions such as permission management, log management, poverty relief fund management, poverty relief project management, filing and card filing. (2023-11-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] dual-creation-management-system

This project is an innovation and entrepreneurship (mass entrepreneurship and innovation) management system for college students, mainly including project management, project declaration, project review, project establishment, project mid-term inspection, project conclusion, project results, project statistics, project management and other modules., (2023-10-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] LostandFound-Team

BIT大三下软件 项 目 管 理 课程合作项目,基于LostandFound,
Software project management course cooperation project under the third year of BIT, based on LostandFound, (2019-07-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] SXS_LOAN

汇金 项 目 管 理,
Huijin project management, (2017-03-30, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] kyxmgl

科研合作 项 目 管 理 系统,
Scientific research cooperation project management system, (2018-03-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] Activity-Manager

Activity Manager is a project management tool. It helps a project leader to manage and check his collaborators activity., (2019-02-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
