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[文章/文档] smooth_switch_datasource

The test project of smooth database cutting focuses on business double write and data source test cases. Corresponding document resolution:, (2022-06-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] DaaS运行时架构说明.docx

DaaS是成都双链科技的一款低代码平台,通过简单的易行的定义方式,能够生产前端,中台,后台等系统核心组件以及数据大屏等极具实用价值的衍生产品。 本文主要说明后台的运行架构,便于使用者理解DaaS的业务处理机制,更容易扩展DaaS,实现自身业务;同时理解DaaS提供的诸多基础资源,减少开发工作,提高效率,保证系统稳定性。
DAAS is a low code platform of Chengdu double chain technology. Through a simple and easy definition, it can produce core components of front-end, middle platform, back-end and other systems, as well as derivative products with great practical value such as large data screen. This paper mainly describes the operation architecture of the background, which is convenient for users to understand the business processing mechanism of DAAS, and it is easier to expand DAAS and realize their own business; at the same time, it can understand many basic resources provided by DAAS, reduce development work, improve efficiency and ensure system stability. (2021-01-26, Java, 845KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] 物联网设计 从原型到产品

《物联网设计 从原型到产品》, 人民邮电出版社出版, 作者:(英)麦克依文,(英) 卡西麦利 著,张崇明 译。 物联网是继计算机、互联网和移动通信之后的又一次信息产业的革命性发展,在互联网和移动互联网高速发展的时代, 几乎所有行业都有数据联网的需求,联网设备已经不再局限于智能手机和电脑等,而会覆盖到交通物流、智能家居、 工业检测和个人健康等各种领域。物联网也由此成为下一个推动世界高速发展的“重要生产力”,是继通信网之后的另一个万亿级市场。 本书由两位英国物联网技术专家合作编写,重点阐述了可以嵌入到物品中的计算机硬件, 展示从原型系统设计与制作到成品制造与销售的全过程,适合从事物联网产品设计的软件工程师、 Web开发人员、产品设计师、电子工程师和创客群体。即便是没有IT技术背景的读者,也能读懂本书大部分内容,对物联网这一激动人心的新兴技术有一个概貌性的了解。
Internet of things is another revolutionary development of information industry after computer, Internet and mobile communication. In the era of rapid development of Internet and mobile Internet (2020-08-25, Java, 52067KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] LcardY蓝讯数卡

佳付通商户API接口技术开发文档 文档供商户和本项目的后续开发维护人员使用,为了业务系统的安全,请严格不泄露本API接口开发文档。 接口商户可以在自己的页面带入一些附加信息,佳付通API接口在回调时将该信息原样返回。 本接口支持那些语言?本佳付通接口网关支持大部分web语言,比如ASP,PHP,ASPX,JSP 商户系统作为请求的终端,按照本文档的约定向佳付通接口网关发起POST/GET请求,佳付通接口网关收到商户请求并给予验证、处理,处理完成后将结果发送给商户系统。
Technical development document of API interface for jiafutong merchants (2020-01-07, Java, 12KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] FapTurbo53

In foreign exchange margin trading, the most important and difficult thing is capital management and risk control. It's difficult because we always have a subconscious fear of winning and losing, and it's difficult to overcome the influence of "greed and fear". We choose to use foreign exchange robots for program trading, that is, we do not predict the future, overcome the lack of human nature, and use the advantages of foreign exchange robots to adhere to discipline to make long-term stable profits. (2019-02-05, Java, 25KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] 数据科学核心课程和实践平台的建设与探索20180824

The construction and exploration of the core curriculum and practice platform of big data science, the pyramid structure of big data talents, the status quo of big data related majors, the construction of big data science and big data technology, multidisciplinary integration. (2018-12-27, Java, 8632KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] dubbo-user-book

dubbo开发手册 ,分布式微服务应用开发方面,java语言相关,快速上手 ,简单易懂 以及阿里巴巴双11技术介绍
Dubbo development manual, distributed micro service application development, Java language related, fast start, easy to understand And Alibaba double 11 technology introduction (2018-08-20, Java, 19539KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] Shoppingtreatise

This paragraph mainly talk about Internet grows up vary fast inner along with joining in WTO.The net is becoming a new media with the most potential of development and future,as well as the hot point of publicize by much business. The net technology should be well used to offer information service for clients and cooperate cooperates,and catchs business especially for the tradition large corporation.Shenyang Changhong engine Ltd as a engine-making corporation should build its homepage better to qua it as a carrier to publicize,service and communion from this way to concert it grows up quickly.Let more corporation and client join in and know Shenyang Changhong engine Ltd by homepage. (2010-05-26, Java, 1526KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] suanfa

Algorithm for some of the more classic title! Tower of Hanoi has eight Queen' s and so on, for the learning algorithm is very useful! (2009-08-23, Java, 548KB, 下载4次)
