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[WEB开发] CuiyuanShow

萃园SHOW主要是为学校内部使用而开发的,目的是供学生获取学校信息、同时提供帮助学习和娱乐的功能。系统的面向的用户包括:学生,老师,专业管理员,总管理员。就每个不同的用户而言功能不完全相同。 学生可以从本网站获取通知、新闻等信息,可以获取学习资料、在线讨论、查询自习室进行学习,还可以发表日志、聊天、发校内漂、玩游戏、听音乐进行娱乐。管理员可以进行用户账户管理、主页新闻通知的更新、日志状态审查、班级的创建、学生会等团体组织的创建。
Extracts Park SHOW primarily for internal use and development of the school, the aim is for students to access school information, and help learning and entertainment functions. System for users include: students, teachers, professional administrators, the total administrator. Users on each of the different functions are not identical. Students can notice from this website, news and other information, you can get learning materials, online discussion, check study room to learn, you can also post logs, chat, send internal drift, play games, listen to music for entertainment. Administrators can manage user accounts, home news update notification, log the status review, the creation of classes, students and other community organizations to create. (2011-08-29, Windows_Unix, 17306KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] web2

With simple way to land gateway website, can browse member picture, news and entertainment news, Members may write diary etc (2010-07-19, Windows_Unix, 811KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] gkbm

《江苏省高考网上报名系统》——中学2005版 本软件版权归江苏无锡孙双忠所有,为造福广大中学教务人员,你可以任意复制、传播! 使用方法: 将gkbm文件夹只接上传服务器即可! 本机调试只需将gkbm文件夹放在C:\inetpub\wwwroot\文件夹下。 然后在IE中输入:http:\\localhost\gkbm\index.asp即可运行, 管理入口:http:\\localhost\gkbm\admin.asp 用户名和口令:admin 如要显示学生照片,请将已经剪切好的照片存放于photo文件夹中! 如你在使用过程中有任何问题,请QQ(106053410)联系或在我的网站留言, 我的网址:http://wxsz.wxjy.com.cn/gkbm/index.asp
"Jiangsu Province entrance examination system for the Internet"-- secondary 2005 version Banquangui Jiangsu Wuxi Sun Shuang-all for the benefit of the general secondary teaching staff, you can copy arbitrary, dissemination! Use : gkbm folder will only then can upload server! The machine will only gkbm debug folder on the C : \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ folder. Then in IE input : http : \ \ localhost \ gkbm \ index.asp can run, the management portal : http : \ \ localhost \ gkbm \ admin.asp Username and Password : admin students to show pictures, please have a good shearing photographs stored in photo folder! if you are using the process have any questions, please QQ (106053410) or contact me at the website message, I Address : http://wxsz.wxjy.com.cn/gkbm/index.asp (2005-11-03, Windows_Unix, 1105KB, 下载605次)
