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[游戏] mota

A word game similar to Magic Tower, players start in the direction of the castle hall and then enter into a room in which the truck inside the room there may be big devil, there may be a princess, there may be nothing, players the purpose is to rescue the princess the hall to leave, but the way we encounter a major devil, then the game will fail. (2015-10-24, Windows_Unix, 4KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] 3Dcongtou

金点公司的游戏一点通教学文档 失我见过的傻瓜级的最通俗易懂的3d游戏入门教材了
golden point company s games toturials.it is the most easy 3d game toturials i ever saw. (2005-08-29, Windows_Unix, 4648KB, 下载92次)
