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[机器人/智能制造] koishi-plugin-p5-advance-letter-generator

这是一个基于 Koishi 的插件,可让你的机器人在群聊中生成 p5 风格的预告信和 UI 图片,增添趣味和活力! p5 预告信是《女神异闻录5》中的一种特殊信件,由佐仓双叶以特定字体和颜色书写,用于通知主角和同伴下一步的目标和计划。 p5 UI 是《女神异闻录5》中的...
This is a Koishi based plug-in that allows your robot to generate p5 style trailers and UI images in group chat, adding fun and vitality! The P5 pre notice letter is a special letter in "The Strange Stories of Goddesses 5". It is written by Zuocang Shuangye in a specific font and color to inform the protagonist and his companions of their next goals and plans. P5 The UI is the (2024-01-18, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] koishi-plugin-novelai-pptr

这是一个基于 Koishi 的插件,可以让你的机器人使用 NovelAI 的图像生成功能,绘制出你想要的图像。 你只需要输入一个简单的文本提示,就可以让机器人为你创造出各种有趣的图像,无论是风景、动物、人物、还是其他任何你能想到的东西。 你可以把这个插件当作一个有趣的娱乐工具,也可以用它来激发你的创意,或者给你的小说、游戏、漫画等提供灵感。
This is a Koishi based plug-in that allows your robot to use the image generation function of NovelAI to draw the image you want. You only need to input a simple text prompt, and then the robot can create all kinds of interesting images for you, whether it is landscapes, animals, people, or anything else you can think of. You can use this plug-in as an interesting entertainment tool, stimulate your creativity, or provide inspiration for your novels, games, comics, etc. (2023-12-26, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
