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[教育系统应用] 080325

DELPHI beginner prepared (2008-08-08, Delphi, 1020KB, 下载23次)


[教育系统应用] delphi22233356

图书管理系统 简介 随着科学技术的飞速发展,人们对知识的可望出越来越多;想在有限的时间内多学习一些有用的知识。图书馆和书店是他们常出入的地方,为了使商家更好的管理他们的书店或者是书馆;我在业余时间开发了这个图书管理系统。 本系统的优点: 1. 操作简单,易学易会。 2. 使书籍易于管理,界面友好。 3. 系统稳定性高,容错能力强。 人无完人,本系统一定会有作者没发现的错误,或不符合你使用的地方,如果你有什么意见或建议请与作者联系。本人的Email:ancientbamboo@163.com 谢谢你的合作。 用户名:Admin 密码: 123版
library management systems to scientific and technical briefings with the rapid development knowledge of the people is expected to more and more; to the limited time learning some useful knowledge. Libraries and bookstores often went to their place, in order to make businesses better manage their bookstore or library; I developed this free time library management system. The advantages of the system are : 1. Simple, easy to learn easily. 2. Make books easier to administer, friendly interface. 3. System stability, fault-tolerant capability. No man is perfect, the system must be the authors found no wrong, or you do not meet the local, If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the author. My Email : ancientbamboo@163.com Thank you for your cooperation. Username : Admin Password (2007-05-16, Delphi, 1615KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] jzn_app

papers on the intelligent software function added that the database can automatically change, set to leave spaces such as Delphi FOSS (2006-04-15, Delphi, 748KB, 下载139次)
