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[网络编程] endo_AutoDownFile

软件功能:下载一个网站上所有的彩铃! 铃声下载完后,铃声文件名都是自动按照铃声名来命名的! 若你明白其中的思路,也就懂得了软件在线升级的方法了! 测试环境:WinXp C2.0 256DDR ... 下载时间:一天 下载铃声个数:6000多 铃声总大小: 1G 多 注: 任何其他组织或个人不得用于商业用途,谢谢合作! 惠安优优网(惠安优优工作室)版权所有,转载时,请保留此信息,谢谢! 在此特别感谢大富翁论坛的<gonghh>和<爱元元的哥哥>! 程序主要代码是以上两给帅哥实现的!实现思想是偶的!:) 初级版本,尽适用于福建的一个彩铃网站! 哪位高手有空的话,可以把下载规则写入数据库,记得邮一份源码给我啊!:) 代码和界面写的很粗糙,误怪啊! :)
software functions : a web site download all the ring tones! After downloading ring tones, ring tones are automatically file name with the name of naming ringtones! If you understand the idea, they know how to upgrade the software online method!WinXp C2.0 256DDR ... 6000 1G Westlands Youyou Network (Westlands Youyou studio) Copyright, reproduced, please retain this information, thank you! Special thanks to the wealthiest Forum lt; Gonghhgt; And lt; Love Yuan Yuan's brother gt; ! The procedure code is more than two men to achieve! Implementation is even thinking! :) Junior version, do apply to a Fujian ringtones! Which master the time to do so, the rules can be downloaded into the database, a source Post remember me ah! :) Code and the interface was very rough, strange e (2005-10-06, Delphi, 694KB, 下载41次)
