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[Windows编程] ContentlExtract

该产品可以从文件中提取你想要的内容(如Email地址、QQ号、IP地址、国内手机号码、国内电话号码、身份证号、中国邮政编码、网址URL、中文、双字节字符、英文),保存为另一个文件。如发现有问题,或您有新的定制需求,请加QQ 328675711,请注明"内容提取",我将及时为您服务,谢谢!
The product can extract what you want from the document (e.g. email address, QQ number, IP address, domestic mobile phone number, Domestic telephone number, ID card number, Chinese postal code, URL, Chinese, double-byte characters, English, saved as Another document. If you find any problems, or you have new customization requirements, Please add QQ 328675711, please note "content extraction", I will serve you in time, thank you! (2018-09-15, Delphi, 453KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] 住房公基金管理系统

儿童个人特任他热特任特任特任个人特任特得人个人特任特 耳热日特任特任
ererter erterter ertertertert tgerrterwt e (2017-12-21, Delphi, 4488KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] mousemove

mouse move (2014-10-23, Delphi, 306KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 74zhishutiqu

气象学科用于对国家气候中心74项环流指数提取的小工具 作者 金秀良
Meteorological disciplines for the National Climate Centre 74 circulation indices extracted gadget Author Jinxiu Liang (2014-04-30, Delphi, 786KB, 下载24次)


[Windows编程] VTech-member-management

易达会员管理系统通用增强版,适合所有会员管理的场所,具有会员金额,计次管理功能。 系统优势: 1. 提供会员积分管理。 2.支持储值卡、折扣卡、计次卡,会员提醒(包括生日提醒)。 3.支持票据打印功能。 4.会员卡可以使用条码卡、磁条卡、ID卡、IC卡。 5.支持多种结帐方式:现金、储值卡、代金券、信用卡。 6.提供会员消费统计,充值统计和营业统计等功能。 7.支持收银员交班管理功能。 8.支持会员卡挂失,解挂失,挂失补办功能。
VTech member management system Universal enhanced version, suitable for all members of a place of management, the amount of the membership, total time management functions. System Benefits: 1. Membership points management. Support stored value cards, discount cards and metering card members to remind (including birthday reminder). 3 support ticket printing. Membership card can use the barcode cards, magnetic stripe cards, ID cards, IC card. 5 support the multiple Checkout way: cash, stored value cards, vouchers, credit cards. Member consumption statistics, recharge statistics and business statistics. 7 Support cashier to shift management functions. Support membership cards report the loss, report the loss solution, report the loss of replaceable function. (2013-04-26, Delphi, 10054KB, 下载26次)


[Windows编程] Legend-landers-configuration-device

Falcon legend landers configurator popular edition, only for personal free entertainment, shall not be used for commercial purposes (2013-03-03, Delphi, 7065KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] DataChange

Delphi开发的32位二进制编码转浮点的Dll, 可以将PLC等下位机中双字二进制编码转换成小数(浮点)。
Delphi Developer 32-bit binary code switch to floating point Dll, PLC, etc. can be double-word lower position in the binary code into decimal (floating point). (2010-05-30, Delphi, 780KB, 下载27次)


[Windows编程] ntset

NT低层控件 TNTServiceManager:控制窗口新台币服务; TNTEventLog:与窗口新台币事件记录合作; TNTUserMan:处理使用者和小组; TNTShare:处理而且检测分享了装置; TNTFileSecurity:在 NTFS 上分配文件的通路权利; TNTRegSecurity:处理注册表的安全; TNTPrivilege:控制给使用者的特权; TNTVerifyLogon:查证使用者的使用者名称和 对抗窗口新台币领域的密码; TNTServerInfo:对设定的取回│设定多样性 因为网络计算机; TNTMessage:送本文在网络上的信息; TNTNetBrowser:浏览网络资源和被连接的装置; TNTerminalAdmin:检测终点的服务会议; TNTaskScheduler:为在网络计算机实行预定任务 网络计算机; TNTFirewall:配置防火墙在未实现
ntdcl TNTServiceManager: to control Windows NT services TNTEventLog: to work with Windows NT event log TNTUserMan: to manage users and groups TNTShare: to manage and monitor shared devices TNTFileSecurity: to assign access rights to files on NTFS TNTRegSecurity: to deal with registry s security TNTPrivilege: to control privileges given to the users TNTVerifyLogon: to verify user s username and password against Windows NT Domain TNTServerInfo: to retrieve/set variety of setting for network computers TNTMessage: to send text messages over the network TNTNetBrowser: to browse network resources and connected devices TNTerminalAdmin: to monitor terminal service sessions TNTaskScheduler: to schedule tasks for execution on network computers TNTFirewall: to configure the firewall under Windows XP and higher (2010-05-10, Delphi, 2897KB, 下载33次)


[Windows编程] hannuota

Tower of Hanoi game is simple, double-click the executable file can be run at the beginning of the beginning of the game (2008-12-26, Delphi, 204KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] CodeConvert

Single-byte/double byte ASC coding and conversion between Unicode encoding. (2008-10-12, Delphi, 165KB, 下载48次)


[Windows编程] 11

With entertainment notebook, can also set the background color, in more than you will use can also listen to your favorite music, bring their own six Shougang琴曲 (2008-05-26, Delphi, 395KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] Server

永恒》原本的服务器器程序,对于硬件的要求非常高。 按照韩国官方的要求,部署《永恒》的游戏服务器端需要使用六台机器。实际运行的过程中,可以缩减到使用两台机器。这也就是服务器端的硬件极限,无法再减少了。网上有很多的《永恒》服务器程序可供下载,对于硬件的需求都是如此。 通过对于服务器的反编译,我发现了《永恒》服务器程序对于硬件的高需求是很不合理的。服务器程序中含有明显的死循环。对此,只有一种解释,就是韩国人在故意设置障碍,人为的增加游戏运营成本。 我现在发布的这个版本,里面消除了程序中含有的死循环,同时改进了另外的几处效率陷阱。这样一来服务器程序对于硬件的消耗明显降低。整套程序可以在一台PC上运行。目前,在双致强2.0G CPU, 2G内存的服务器上,开启服务器程序之后,CPU占用率不足15% 下载地址:http://www.cdcore.cn/download/Server.rar (2007-10-25, Delphi, 2578KB, 下载45次)


[Windows编程] indy

Internet Direct(Indy)是一组开放源代码的Internet组件,涵盖了几乎所有流行的Internet协议。Indy用delphi编写,被包含在delphi 6,Kylix 1和C++ Builder 6及以上各个版本的Borland开发环境中。Indy曾经叫做WinShoes(双关于WinSock——Windows的Socket库),是由Chad Z. Hower领导的一群开发者构建的,可以从Indy的站点www.nevrona.com/indy上找到更多的信息并下载其新版本。到笔者撰写本文时为止,Indy的最新稳定版是9.0.14,Indy 10也进入了Beta测试阶段。
Internet Direct (Indy) is a group of open source Internet components, covering almost all the popular Internet protocol. Indy using delphi to prepare, be included in delphi 6, Kylix 1 and C++ Builder 6 and above the various versions of the Borland development environment. Indy has called WinShoes (double on WinSock- Windows of the Socket Library), by Chad Z. Hower, led a group of developers built from Indy site www.nevrona.com/indy find more information and download its new version. To the author until the time of writing, Indy (2007-08-11, Delphi, 425KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] gjj

Xiangtan City housing provident fund management center in Xiangtan City housing provident fund management center (2006-03-17, Delphi, 2006KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] sbzldlb-内存读取

1:可以对指定的数据进行查询 2:可以单字节,双字节,四字节查询 3:可以对地址进行修改
one : to be designated for two data : We can single-byte and double-byte and four-byte inquiries 3 : can address changes (2005-12-23, Delphi, 56KB, 下载53次)
