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[数据库系统] mmzmagicEERAO1.31

初次使用本远程数据库对象,深为其简单、方便、实用所吸引,但不久即发现其存在一些问题,于是便边修改、边与马先生QQ联系,得到了其诸多指点,但程序也给改的四不像了,现特公布其源码,望能得到马先生及广大朋友的进一步指点,主要更新: 1、对远程登陆的简单密码认证。 2、支持SQL批处理, 3、支持SQL查询包 在远程数据库中,网络延时是数据库实时响应的大敌,SQL批处理及SQL查询包的功能可巧妙的解决这一问题。 4、事务处理 5、支持独立的Blob字段读写 6、部分支持Parameters功能 7、取得远程数据库中的表名 8、支持双模态 9、修改完善了对单一数据库直接插入、修改、删除记录的支持,统一、简化了接口,更易旧程序的升级更新。 如:多Blob字段、ID字段、ACCESS库、NULL字段等 10、Server端已完成较成熟的通用封装。 11、支持简单文件的上传、下载: 文件的上传、下载还很不完善,如大文件、权限等问题还没解决
The initial use of the remote database object, for its deep simple, convenient, practical attracted, but soon found that there are some problems, so while changes QQ edge contact with Mr. Ma has been pointing its many, but also to the change process of neither fish nor fowl, and is special to publish its source code, hope can be friend Mr. Ma and the further guidance, the main update: 1, a simple visit to a remote password authentication. 2, support the SQL batch, 3, support for SQL query packet The remote database, network response time delay is the enemy of real-time database, SQL, and SQL query batch package features a clever solution to this problem. 4, transaction processing 5, support for independent reading and writing Blob fields 6, part of the support functions of Parameters 7, access to a remote database table name 8, support for dual-mode 9, revise and improve the direct insertion of a single database, mo (2009-08-07, Delphi, 894KB, 下载26次)


[数据库系统] Holiday

教务管理系统及网上娱乐一体化管理系统 很实用
Educational management system and integrated management of online entertainment (2009-06-15, Delphi, 18740KB, 下载14次)
