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[图神经网络] MissingKnowledgeLinks

这是我与Francesco Braicovich在Bocconi机器学习学生中合作的一个项目。我们的算法构建了一个连接到输入网页的所有页面的图,并使用网络科学技术来识别知识,这些知识虽然没有应用于某个领域,但在给定图的结构的情况下可能是
This is a project I did together with Francesco Braicovich at Bocconi Students for Machine Learning. Our algorithm builds a graph of all pages connected to an input web page, and uses Network Science techniques to identify knowledge that, although not employed in a certain field, might be, given the structure of the graph (2024-09-22, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图神经网络] CO-GNNs

Repositório referente ao trabalho最终的机器学习学科。Trata se de um estudo teórico sobre合作图神经网络。
Repositório referente ao trabalho final da disciplina de Machine Learning. Trata-se de um estudo teórico sobre Cooperative Graph Neural Networks. (2024-06-20, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图神经网络] Machine-Learning-BigData-and-Databases

Working with PySpark, MongoDB, Cassandra & Neo4j for Machine Learning (2018-06-04, Jupyter Notebook, 284KB, 下载0次)


[图神经网络] link-prediction

链接预测:预测作者与Neo4j、Spark MLlib和Node2Vec的合作
Link Prediction: Predicting Author Collaborations with Neo4j, Spark MLlib and Node2Vec (2020-08-05, Jupyter Notebook, 345KB, 下载0次)


[图神经网络] CF-GNNExplainer-recreation

CF GNNE解释娱乐,,
CF-GNNExplainer-recreation,, (2023-02-04, Jupyter Notebook, 1849KB, 下载0次)


[图神经网络] one-graph-to-rule-them-all

Repository for our CHR 22 Paper "One Graph to Rule them All: Using NLP and Graph Neural Networks to analyse Tolkien’s Legendarium" (2023-05-05, Jupyter Notebook, 9463KB, 下载0次)
