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[数据挖掘/数据仓库] ph-repo

Hey there! Welcome to my form repository on GitHub. This is the perfect place to find and contribute to various forms for data collection. Whether you need a form for surveys, feedback, or registrationsI m also open to collaboration and networking opportunities. (2024-02-22, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] LSTM_computerFault_prediction-diagnosis

LSTM_ computerFault_ Prediction diagnosis is a computer fault prediction and diagnosis expert system developed based on LSTM in the school s entrepreneurship and innovation project. The system framework uses spring boot, and the inference engine uses keras. The correct rate of fault diagnosis can reach 80%+, which is mainly used to diagnose computer faults whose time sequence parameters show linear laws. (2021-05-10, CSS, 435KB, 下载0次)
