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[编程语言基础] encrypter

该项目是由Alura与Oracle及其ONE计划(Oracle Next Education)合作实施的一项教育挑战。该计划基于苹果贡献的基于挑战的学习方法,建立在三个关键支柱上:参与、调查和采取行动。
This project is an educational challenge carried out by Alura in collaboration with Oracle and its ONE program (Oracle Next Education). Based on the Challenge Based Learning approach, created with the contribution of Apple, this program is founded on three key pillars: engaging, investigating, and taking action. (2024-02-04, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] encrypter

该项目是Alura与Oracle及其ONE计划(Oracle Next Education)合作实施的一项教育挑战...,
This project is an educational challenge carried out by Alura in collaboration with Oracle and its ONE program (Oracle Next Education). Based on the Challenge Based Learning approach, created with the contribution of Apple, this program is founded on three key pillars: engaging, investigating, and taking action. (2023-10-25, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] KitoDots

Dotfiles for xmonad and awesome inspired bi DistroTube (2021-09-25, CSS, 3897KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] awesome-civic-tech

墨西哥国家技术合作项目联合会(Una lista curada de proyectos de tecnología cívica en México)。
Una lista curada de proyectos de tecnología cívica en México. (2023-04-12, CSS, 2262KB, 下载0次)
