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[微服务] Tech_Vesta

Amine Saber和Salma Oumussa合作的Spring Boot项目。该项目专注于提供富有洞察力和尖端的内容…
Collaborative Spring Boot project by Amine Saber and Salma Oumoussa. This project focuses on delivering insightful and cutting-edge conte… (2024-01-23, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] tennistico

The purpose of the Tennistico application will be to enable users to find a partner to play tennis. A court database with contacts will be available, so you don t have to google the courts. Tech stack: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, SQL, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. (2021-04-26, CSS, 6749KB, 下载0次)
