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[数据库系统] PCLIP

攀枝花物流系统信息平台。实现的第二部分:用例和时序图、实现规约、数据库设计、测试用例等。包括的模块有:基本信息管理、购销存管理、汽车检修管理、运输调度管理、对外合作管理、数据统计分析 六个模块
Panzhihua Logistics System Information Platform. The second part of implementation: use case and sequence diagram, implementation specification, database design, test case, etc. The modules included include: basic information management, purchase, sales, and inventory management, automobile maintenance management, transportation scheduling management, external cooperation management, and data statistical analysis (2016-08-20, CSS, 13162KB, 下载0次)
