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[论文] word-predictor

Data Science Capstone Project: A Word Prediction Algorithm built within the partnership of Johns Hopkins with SwiftKey, the leading company on predictive text input for Android and iOS keyboards. The README file describes the algorithm and all files necessary to satisfy the shinyApps requirement for the Data Science Capstone final project. (2017-02-24, R, 19116KB, 下载0次)


[论文] modelo-epidemiologico-sc

贝叶斯流行病学模型,重点关注圣卡塔琳娜州及其微观和宏观区域。[网址:a...](网址:arxiv.org abs 2104.01133)
Bayesian epidemiological model, with a focus on the state of Santa Catarina and its micro and macroregions. <https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.01133> (2021-09-29, R, 2915KB, 下载0次)
