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[WEB开发] 高铁动车组webcode

The code of the high-speed rail EMU project of the cooperation project has been applied for soft work. (2018-07-11, C/C++, 79KB, 下载4次)



中金所交易系统API是一个基于C++的类库, 通过使用和扩展类库提供的接口来实现全部的交易功能,包括报单与报价的录入、报单与报价的撤销、报单与报价的挂起、报单与报价的激活、报单与报价的修改、报单与报价的查询、成交单查询、会员客户查询、会员持仓查询、客户持仓查询、合约查询、合约交易状态查询、交易所公告查询。
Gold in the trading system API is a library-based C++ interface provided by the use and expansion of library functions to achieve all of the transaction, including the entry declarations and quotations, suspend and revoke declaration quoted, declarations and quotations, modify, declarations and quote and quote inquiries activation declaration, the declaration and quotations, closing a single query, member customer inquiries, membership positions inquiries, customer inquiries positions, contract inquiries, contract status inquiry transactions, exchange announcement query. (2014-07-09, C/C++, 4184KB, 下载11次)
