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[手机短信编程] TC35I 西门子手机模块开发版

西门子TC35系列的TC35I是西门子推出的最新的无线模块,功能上与 TC35兼容,设计紧凑,大大缩小了用户产品的体积。TC35I与GSM 2/2+兼容、双频(GSM900/GSMl800)、RS232数据口、符合ETSI标准GSM0707和GSM0705,且易于升级为GPRS模块。该模块集射频电路和基带于一体,向用户提供标准的AT命令接口,为数据、语音、短消息和传真提供快速、可靠、安全的传输,方便用户的应用开发及设计。
The SIEMENS TC35 family of TC35I is the latest wireless module launched by SIEMENS, functionally and functionally TC35 compatible, compact design, greatly reducing the volume of user products. TC35I compatible with GSM 2/2+, dual frequency (GSM900/GSMl800), RS232 data port, meet the ETSI standard, GSM0707 and GSM0705, and easy to upgrade to GPRS module. The module in RF circuit and baseband in one, providing the AT command interface standard to the user for data, voice, fax and Short Message provides fast, reliable and secure transmission, application development and user-friendly design. (2017-07-25, C/C++, 10404KB, 下载2次)
