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[编译器/解释器] LPC43XXDualCoreExamples-CN

LPC43xx examples of Chinese dual-core documentation. Official outlines examples of dual-core structure. And compiler settings. (2014-05-16, C/C++, 424KB, 下载25次)


[编译器/解释器] buju

Many compiler structure word, double-or quadword aligned " option. But still need to improve the alignment of the structure members, some compilers may be assigned to a different order of the space of the structure members declared their. However, some compilers do not offer these features, or ineffective. To pay at least the consideration of the case to achieve the best structure and structure members aligned, it is recommended to take the following methods: (2013-01-09, C/C++, 4KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] WordAnalyzer

从左至右扫描源程序的字符串,按照词法规则(正则文法规则)识别出一个个正确的单词,并转换成该单词相应的二元式(种别码、属性值)交给语法分析使用。 本程序规定输出用KeyWord代表关键字,Word代表普通标识符,Digit代表阿拉伯数字,SingleWord代表单分界符,DoubleWord代表双分界符,ERROR代表无法识别的字符。
String from left to right scan source, according to lexical rules (regular grammar rules) to identify all the right words, and converted into the corresponding binary word type (species ID, attribute value) to the use of grammatical analysis . This program provides an output representative of keywords KeyWord, Word on behalf of ordinary identifiers, Digit behalf of the Arab figures, SingleWord behalf of a single delimiter, DoubleWord behalf double delimiter, ERROR behalf of unrecognized characters. (2011-03-13, C/C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[编译器/解释器] LuaPlusStudy

LuaPlus is Lua' s C++ enhancement, that is, LuaPlus itself is the source on the Lua enhancement comes from. Use it to cooperate with the C++ is a better choice. (2010-09-02, C/C++, 3853KB, 下载160次)


[编译器/解释器] programming_language_pramatics

这是一本很有特色的教材,其核心是讨论程序设计语言的工作原理和技术。本书融合了传统的程序设计语言教科书和编译教科书的有关知识,并增加了一些有关汇编层体系结构的材料,以满足没学过计算机组织的学生们的需要。书中通过各种语言的例子,阐释了程序设计语言的重要基础概念,讨论了各种概念之间的关系,解释了语言中许多结构的形成和发展过程,以及它们演化为今天这种形式的根源。书中还详细讨论了编译器的工作方式和工作过程,说明它们对源程序做了什么,以及为什么要那样做。书的每章最后附有复习题和一些更具挑战性的练习。这些练习的特别价值在于引导学生进一步深入理解各种语言和技术。    本书在美国大学已有使用了十余年,目前被欧美许多重要大学用于“程序设计语言”或者“软件系统”课程。本书适合高年级本科生或者一年级研究生使用,许多内容对专业程序员也很有价值。本书作者Michael Scott是计算机领域的著名学者,译者是北京大学的裘宗燕教授,他熟悉专业,译笔流畅,是一本难得的著、译双馨的佳作。 (2007-10-11, C/C++, 24817KB, 下载22次)


[编译器/解释器] chkc_tar

这是一个使用标准 C 开发的简单的可以对 C 语言程序进行语法检查的程序,本程序检查你的程序中小括号、中括号、大括号、单引号、双引号、/* */ 注释等的配对情况,可以及时发现程序中存在的语法错误情况。
This is a standard C development can be a simple C language syntax procedures for the inspection procedures, the procedures check your procedures small brackets, brackets, brackets, the single quotes, double quotes,/**/Notes for the match, found it timely procedures the errors of grammar. (2004-08-19, C/C++, 9KB, 下载54次)
