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[菜单] A-very-small-menu-system

一个占用内存极少的菜单系统的实现。 本代码透过对身边常见的手机的界面做分析,总结,然后通过c代码实现类似的界面。 这套代码实现的菜单的特点: 1.支持3种菜单类型 2.支持金国语言 3.占用内存极小 4.全c代码,方便移植 5.支持数字按键快捷方式
A very small footprint implementation of the menu system. The code on the side through a common interface for the phone to analyze, summarize, and then c code similar to the interface. The code of the menu features: 1. Supports three menu types 2 gold-language support 3. Memory for a very small 4 full c code, easy to transplant 5 support keypad shortcuts (2011-08-02, C/C++, 958KB, 下载9次)
