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[文件格式] Discrete-Mathematics-report(1)

1. 从键盘输入两个命题变元P和Q的真值,求它们的合取、析取、条件和双条件的真值。(A) 2. 求任意一个命题公式的真值表(B),并根据真值表求主范式(C) 注意:题目类型分为A,B,C三类,其中A为基本题,完成A类题目可达到设计的基本要求,其他均为加分题,并按字母顺序分数增加越高。
Input two propositional variables P and Q is the true value from the keyboard, find their conjunctive, disjunctive, conditional, and biconditional true value. (A) Lord paradigm (C) (2) seek any propositional formula a truth table (B), and in accordance with the truth table Note: topic types are divided into three categories A, B, C, where A is the basic question, to complete the Class A subject to meet the design requirements, the other are the bonus, in alphabetical order the higher the score increases. (2012-03-12, C/C++, 750KB, 下载5次)


[文件格式] Text1

单片机 双机 通信 89S51串口通信是指一个位,连续发8位,寄存器移位一样移8位
it is very good (2010-01-06, C/C++, 2KB, 下载9次)


[文件格式] mc35i

MC35i 是一款双频900/1800MHZ高度集成的GSM模块。
MC35i is a dual-band 900/1800MHz highly integrated GSM module. (2008-05-13, C/C++, 2684KB, 下载10次)
