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[WEB开发] wdbhjxz

软件介绍 黄金(修正)版是继黄金版的一个修正,在其基础上增添了几个不怎么成熟的插件,黄金版解决了完整版豪华型向完整版的转换,完全由你选择开启、关闭娱乐功能,能很好的满足技术论坛及娱乐论坛的要求
Software introduction Gold (Amendment) version is following a modification of the Gold Edition, on the basis of add several not very mature of plug-ins, Gold Edition solves the complete version of luxury to the full version of the conversion, entirely up to you to choose to open and close the entertainment function, can be very good to meet the technical forum and Entertainment Music Forum (2016-05-14, PHP-PERL, 2599KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lovesnow

Composed of basic HTML+PHP, set network radio, network television in one of the entertainment site, the number of network radio stations more than 300, more than 400 network television stations, more than 9000 songs online, online MTV has 1500 (2016-05-10, PHP-PERL, 987KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] somicms-(1)

关于我们:企业介绍,如企业简介、技术优势、合作伙伴、组织机构、公司理念、领导致辞、公司荣誉、企业文化、企业理念等栏目,并可随意增加新的栏目,还可以增加文章类的栏目,除些之外还有采用特色Flash的风采集锦栏目。 二、公司动态:可以发布企业新闻和业内资讯。 三、产品展示:发布企业产品,按产品类别显示及搜索产品,浏览者可根据自己的习惯和需要自主设置产品显示样式,并可在线直接下订单,可设二级分类,并可以在后台定制产品显示方式、显示数量等详细参数,新版集成了支付宝在线支付功能。 四、客户案例:可以分类发布企业的成功案例,或进行项目展示。
About us: introduction of the enterprise, such as company profiles, technical advantages, partners, organizations, corporate philosophy, leadership speech, honor, corporate culture, corporate philosophy, and so column, and can freely add new column, you can also increase the column, except for these as well as the use of flash features style highlights columns. Two, the company s dynamic: you can release enterprise news and industry information. Three, product: release products, display and search products according to product categories, visitors can be set independently of the products according to their own habits and to display styles, and can directly online orders, with two levels of classification, and in the background of customized product display, display details such as the number of parameters, the new integrated Alipay online payment function. Four, customer case: can be classified by the successful case of enterprises, or to carry out the project display. (2016-04-29, PHP-PERL, 2401KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] php168wn

、可以反复安装多份,每个频道一份,这样就可以大大减轻数据库的压力。因为传统的整站系统,所有频道都在一个数据表里,随着栏目频道的增多,内容的增多,.数据库将不堪重负,难免会变慢,影响整体性能。 另外,管理非常方便,方便分权限管理,可以每一份一个频道单独的分配管理员,并且可以专门的开通这个频道的FTP给此频道管理员管理,这样就非常适合分工合作,最适合门户网站,这样的管理会变得非常的灵活自由 。
Can be repeated to install multiple copies of each channel, so that you can greatly reduce the pressure on the . Because of the traditional station system, all channels are in a data table, with the increase in channel column eyes, content increased. Database will be overwhelmed, will inevitably slow, affect the overall performance. In addition, the management is convenient, convenience management authority can each copy of a channel separate administrators to assign, and devoted to the opening of this channel FTP to the channel manager management, this division of labor is very suitable for, most for portals. This tube ignore become very flexible. (2016-04-24, PHP-PERL, 1739KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dfeiew

鼎峰企业智能建站系统是一个非常灵活的企业建站工具(简称:dfeiew),网页设计师可以使用dfeiew来快速建立企业网站。 dfeiew采用adodo作为数据库持久层,采用smarty模板引擎,美工灵活,而且smarty是编译型的,访问快速。 鼎峰拥有php+mysql,asp+access/ms sql版本,并且都是开源、免费的! 快速提供企业建站 传统的cms体系结构过于复杂,不适合做企业站点,而鼎峰智能建站系统,会为您提供一个更简洁的思路快速的建立企业网站。 安装install\index.php
Ding Feng Enterprise Intelligent station system is a very flexible enterprise site tools (dfeiew), web designers can use dfeiew to quickly build enterprise web site. Dfeiew using adodo as a persistence layer, using Smarty template engine, the art is flexible, and Smarty is a compilation type, access to fast. Ding Feng has asp+access/ms, SQL php+mysql version, and are open source, free of charge! Fast to provide enterprises Traditional CMS system structure is too complex, not suitable for enterprise site, and Ding Feng intelligent station system, will provide you with a more concise way of thinking of the rapid establishment of enterprise web site. Install install\index.php (2016-04-23, PHP-PERL, 2266KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] YH_chenggu

软件介绍 主要功能: 1、根据农历生日推算运势性格的休闲娱乐工具; 2、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 3、免费、开源程序。
Software introduction Main function: 1, according to the Chinese lunar calendar birthday horoscope entertainment tool character calculation 2, DIV+CSS template to facilitate modification 3, free, open source program. (2016-04-18, PHP-PERL, 22KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] xsd

软件介绍 新生代企业网站管理系统是一款基于php+mysql+smarty的免费开源建站系统。整套系统的设计构造,完全考虑大中小企业类网站的功能要求,网站的后台功能强大,管理简捷,支持模板机制,配置中英文双语言版。通过新生代企业网站管理系统,企业建站者可以轻松构建一个企业网站,让企业用户可以更加便捷了解企业的相关信息与动态;方便快捷地发布企业信息、产品等;更可以十分方便的通过管理平台管理企业的站内新闻、产品等;轻松快捷的后台方便用户的使用。 解决了php4下安装不成功bug
Software introduction The new generation of enterprise website management system is based on a free and open source website system php+mysql+smarty. The whole set of system design, fully consider the functional requirements of large and small business website, the website of the powerful background, management is simple, support the template mechanism, the configuration of Chinese and English version. Through the new generation of enterprise website management system, the enterprise website can easily build a corporate Web site, so that business users can more easily understand the business of the relevant information and dynamic easily and quickly released enterprise information and products more can be very convenient through the management platform of enterprise management station news, products, etc. quickly and easily background to facilitate the user s use. To solve the PHP4 bug installation is not successful (2016-04-17, PHP-PERL, 2080KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Modoer_v2.1_GBK

商铺功能 可建立多板块的点评,例如(餐饮,旅游,购物,娱乐,服务等) 每个板块可以分类,并按类别输出信息(如餐饮板块可以建立火锅,海鲜等,出行/旅游板块可以建立汽车,旅行社等) 商铺可以设置,商铺名称,分店名称,主营菜系,地址,电话,手机,店铺标签(Tag),并可增加分店
Shops feature a multi-sector review, for example (dining, travel, shopping, entertainment, services, etc.) for each segment can be categorized according to category output information (such as catering sector can create a hot pot, seafood, travel/tourism sector can create cars, travel, etc.) can be set to shops, shops name, branch name, the main cuisine, address, telephone, mobile phone, shop label (Tag), and may increase the branch (2013-06-08, PHP-PERL, 1951KB, 下载1次)
