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[其他书籍] dont-make-me-think-a-common-sense-approach-to-web-

中文名:点石成金。 可用性设计是Web设计中最重要也是最困难的一项任务。《点石成金》的作者根据自己多年从业的经验,剖析用户的心理,在用户使用的模式、为浏览进行设计、导航设计、主页布局、可用性测试等方面提出了许多独特的观点,并给出了大量简单、易行的可用性设计的建议。这本书短小精悍,语言轻松诙谐,书中穿插大量色彩丰富的屏幕截图、趣味丛生的卡通插图以及包含大量信息的图表,使枯燥的设计原理变得平易近人。   此书适合从事Web设计和Web开发的技术人员阅读,特别适合为如何留住访问者而苦恼的网站/网页设计人员阅读。
Usability design is one of the most important--yet often least attractive--tasks for a Web developer. In Don t Make Me Think, author Steve Krug lightens up the subject with good humor and excellent, to-the-point examples. The title of the book is its chief personal design premise. All of the tips, techniques, and examples presented revolve around users being able to surf merrily through a well-designed site with minimal cognitive strain. Readers will quickly come to agree with many of the book s assumptions, such as "We don t read pages--we scan them" and "We don t figure out how things work--we muddle through." Coming to grips with such hard facts sets the stage for Web design that then produces topnotch sites. Using an attractive mix of full-color screen shots, cute cartoons and diagrams, and informative sidebars, the book keeps your attention and drives home some crucial points. Much of the content is devoted to proper use of conventions and content layout, and the "before and (2010-03-19, PHP, 3078KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] FPGA

FPGA DESIGN I/O CONTROLLER (2010-01-20, PHP, 307KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] 001

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